
Woman Chooses Disney Character Name For Daughter, Unfazed By Criticism: 'I Don't Care If People Hate It'

Woman Chooses Disney Character Name For Daughter, Unfazed By Criticism: 'I Don't Care If People Hate It'

The trend of baby naming has drastically shifted in recent years.

Once-common names like John, Mary, William, and Elizabeth are being replaced by more creative and unique choices.

It's increasingly rare for multiple kids in the same classroom to share a name, as parents now seek names that promote a sense of uniqueness.

This trend, however, has not been without controversy. One mother has found herself at the center of a debate over her naming choice.

Woman Chooses Disney Character Name For Daughter, Unfazed By Criticism: 'I Don't Care If People Hate It'
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Australian fitness and lifestyle influencer Indy Clinton initially considered the name Paloma for her second child but eventually chose a completely different direction.

While some have expressed their admiration for the chosen name, others predict it might cause the child to face ridicule.

"Imagine being an adult named this. These baby names are mad these days," commented one critic.

A second person added sarcastically: "Are you naming humans that will be adults one day? Or kittens?"

"Definitely bring up the fact that kids are cruel. A unique name isn't something to shy away from but a unique name that is indelibly tied to a character may not be desirable to your kid. Now imagine being in middle school with a Disney name."

Supporters have come to the defense of the name choice. One supporter stated: "People need to shut it. She can name her baby anything she wants. I think it's adorable."

Echoing this sentiment, another said: "Congratulations! It's a wonderful name for your baby."

A third admirer commented: "So happy, love the name."

Woman Chooses Disney Character Name For Daughter, Unfazed By Criticism: 'I Don't Care If People Hate It'
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Clinton decided to name her daughter Bambi, inspired by the classic 1942 Disney film.

She told MailOnline that her daughter's "sweet, curious nature" and "big brown eyes" made her think of the iconic animated fawn.

"When I was giving birth, I was convinced Bambi was the most unique, unusual name that nobody would use," Clinton shared.

Originally, they had settled on the name Paloma for her. "That was her name, and nothing was going to change that. But I was reading the book to Navy [her son] one night and it came to me. I sat up and yelled, 'What about Bambi?' and from then on it stuck."

Clinton remains indifferent to the negative feedback about her naming choice, believing that 'unique names are the new trend' and 'people will criticise anything'.

She further commented: "She couldn't be a Paloma now – she's my Bambilicious."

Woman Chooses Disney Character Name For Daughter, Unfazed By Criticism: 'I Don't Care If People Hate It'
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Clinton is not alone in choosing this name; former Love Island contestant Molly-Mae Hague also named her daughter Bambi.

The name Bambi, according to babynames.com, is a shortened version of the Italian 'bambino', meaning child.