
Woman Calling For Larger Plane Seats Responds To 'Buy Two Seats' Remarks

Woman Calling For Larger Plane Seats Responds To 'Buy Two Seats' Remarks

Gracie Bon, a popular Instagram personality with a massive following of five million, hails from Panama. Her social media showcases fashion, lifestyle, and travel content, earning her recognition for her stunning looks.

However, she recently found herself facing criticism after speaking out about the size of airplane seats. The ongoing debate over whether larger individuals should pay for an extra seat has divided opinions for years.


Notably, plus-size travel influencer Jaelynn Chaney gained significant attention for denouncing airline policies as 'discriminatory' toward larger passengers. She argued that it's unjust for them to pay more than thinner passengers.

Chaney explained, "Being forced to occupy only one seat can result in pain and vulnerability to poor treatment from fellow passengers, including hateful comments, disapproving looks, and even refusal to sit next to them."


She added, "This mistreatment of plus-size passengers is unacceptable, and it highlights the urgent need for better policies that protect the dignity and rights of all passengers, regardless of size."

"Unfortunately, plus-size passengers often experience discomfort and discrimination when flying. The lack of a uniform customer-of-size airline policy is unacceptable and must be addressed."


Panamanian model Bon has also expressed her belief that planes should provide larger seats.

Woman Calling For Larger Plane Seats Responds To 'Buy Two Seats' Remarks
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The influencer turned to social media to discuss the difficulties she encounters when traveling as a plus-sized woman, including the challenge of fastening her seatbelt.

She stated, "So today I had a flight and even if I was flying in first class, I couldn't fit on the aeroplane – so this is a petition for all the airlines so big girls like me can fly."

"It's not my fault I have an a*** this big. Please just make them bigger."


In her caption, she asked, "Can someone give me an ACTUAL solution?" along with a crying emoji.

While the post received over 370,000 likes and many comments, not everyone agreed with Bon.

One critic suggested, "Buy two seats instead of one, clearly you've got plenty of money to afford them."

Another person said, "Easy to say but once they make seats bigger there will be less seats and higher prices and then you will complain again and say make it cheaper."


A third commented, "Your choice, your problem."

Fortunately, not everyone was unkind, as many left supportive comments for Bon.

"It's so not fair," one person empathized.

Another remarked, "Omg, I wish I had the same problems," accompanied by a peach emoji.

"My butt [is] not even as big as hers and I be needing half of the other seat… my hips be on top of the other person next to me… Seats are just small," someone else shared.

Woman Calling For Larger Plane Seats Responds To 'Buy Two Seats' Remarks
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