
Top 3 Mental Health Challenges Students Are Facing

Top 3 Mental Health Challenges Students Are Facing

Schools and colleges are the best places for an individual to gain knowledge and pave the path for a bright future. However, academic courses can prove too much for some scholars and cause severe mental health challenges. When left undiagnosed or untreated, these mental health issues can have a debilitating effect on students. A recent study by the National Alliance on Mental Illness shows that 80% of scholars are either overwhelmed or stressed out during their time in academic institutions. Those who are affected are incredibly anxious and often fail to perform their best at school.


Out of the many reasons that contribute to poor mental health in college students, overwork is at the top. And is mandatory, most students are assigned many plagiarism-free essays to keep up their grades and complete their courses. Students who feel overwhelmed with their assignments may benefit significantly by getting their essays from Writix professional online service for UK students that delivers papers at affordable prices. Scholars can buy their custom essays written by top writers in the UK that are delivered to a high standard and within the deadlines. It can also be of extreme importance to the individuals who are anxious about failing their lessons or not delivering their papers within the due dates.


What mental health challenges can students face?

The severity of the mental health issues in college are so catastrophic that they are referred to as a crisis. Here are some of the most common issues facing college students and how it can be correctly diagnosed.


1. Depression

Depression is a disorder in an individual's mood characterized by persistent feelings of hopelessness, sadness, and a complete or partial loss of interest in activities they once enjoyed. People diagnosed with depression are known to have extreme mood swings, happy one moment and extremely sad the next, loss of sleep, loss of appetite, and unexplained body aches. Depression can severely alter the students' mental health, rendering them unable to focus on their studies and complete the given assignments.


Here's how one can identify the onset of depression:

Not enjoying the activities you once loved doing

A severe reluctance to attend classes or go out with friends

General temperament depicting extreme sadness or anger

Adverse reaction or apathy to most things

Talking about suicide or death frequently

2. Anxiety

Anxiety is the state of feeling overwhelmed with the task at hand or with the future events that may or may not occur. It must be remembered, however, that every person experiences anxiety at one point or the other. However, if individuals find themselves frequently in a state of worry or panic, it can seriously dampen their mental health in college. When a person is severely anxious, they are unable to enjoy the present moment and are constantly caught up in a vicious circle of worry and stress.


Here are some ways in which anxiety can be diagnosed:

Not being able to cope with normal activities

Living in constant fear of failure

Not comfortable in social events

Trouble concentrating in school

Guilt or stress over past events

Panic attacks

3. Suicide

Suicide is one of the deadliest forms of mental health disorder, and sadly it isn't uncommon among students. In fact, the Association of American Universities reported that over 20% of scholars thought about committing suicide. In 2019, suicide rates were the highest among American youngsters. It is common for scholars to feel frustrated, but having too intense feelings of frustration may cause some young people to end their own lives. Suicidal thoughts are often an aftermath of undiagnosed depression, which can cause individuals to have distorted thoughts.


Here's how suicidal thoughts can be diagnosed correctly in other individuals:

Talking frequently about feeling like a burden

Severe anxiety and irritability

Loss of interest in activities that they once enjoyed

Giving away valuable possessions

Calling or visiting people to say goodbye

Excessive use of alcohol or drugs


Stress is quite common among individuals while in college. However, there are some things you can do that can help you curb it to some extent. You can indulge in art, listen to music, or even decorate your dorm room to get your mind off the worries of college. When you find yourself getting overwhelmed, make sure to take a break, and find activities that can break the cycle.


If any of these mental health issues mentioned above seem familiar to you or a loved one, it is best to contact the campus counseling center immediately. When treated by professionals, these issues can be cured, and scholars may be able to overcome these challenges with the help of their friends and family.