
Tom Cruise Permanently Banned From Purchasing Another Bugatti

Tom Cruise Permanently Banned From Purchasing Another Bugatti

It's no secret that when you're famous and wealthy, you tend to indulge in luxury cars.

Top YouTubers, professional athletes, and A-list movie stars often flaunt their status with beautiful, but pricey, vehicles.

Whether it's a Ferrari, Lamborghini, or Rolls-Royce, driving a lavish car is one of the perks of being rich and famous.

But there's one celebrity who won't be seen cruising in his favorite car anymore: Tom Cruise. He's been permanently banned from buying a Bugatti, one of the most prestigious car brands in the world.

Tom Cruise Permanently Banned From Purchasing Another Bugatti
Auto Draft

Bugatti, a French company famous for its incredibly fast cars, has strict rules for its customers. Not only do Bugatti owners have to shell out $21,000 for yearly maintenance, but they also have to change their tires every 10,000 miles.

These extra costs can be a hassle, considering the car itself can cost anywhere from 3 million to 12.5 million dollars.

But Cruise's ban wasn't due to these technical requirements. It dates back to a minor mishap in 2006 when he struggled to open the passenger side door of his Bugatti Veyron at the premiere of Mission Impossible 3.

Tom Cruise Permanently Banned From Purchasing Another Bugatti
Auto Draft

Yes, you read that right. A somewhat awkward moment from nearly 20 years ago, where Tom Cruise struggled to open a seemingly locked car door, led to him being banned from buying a Bugatti ever since.

Back in 2006, Cruise's wife, Katie Holmes, was by his side as they walked the red carpet. While she strutted alongside him, Cruise's moment of struggle with the car door was deemed too embarrassing for the prestigious Bugatti brand to overlook.

But Cruise isn't alone in this. Other celebrities like Floyd 'Money' Mayweather, Flo Rida, Simon Cowell, and 2009 Formula One World Champion Jenson Button have also found themselves indefinitely banned from purchasing a Bugatti for various reasons.

Although Cruise won't be adding a new Bugatti to his garage anytime soon, he's not short on luxury cars. Over the years, he's kept his collection stocked with BMWs, Chevrolets, Mustangs, and, of course, his infamous Bugatti Veyron.