
'Hawk Tuah' Woman Sells Over $65,000 In Merch Following Viral Success

'Hawk Tuah' Woman Sells Over $65,000 In Merch Following Viral Success

'Hawk Tuah'—if you're in the know, you definitely know. Yet, for those who might not be familiar, 'hawk tuah' isn't about discovering a new type of bird.

The term originated from Hailey Welch, who has affectionately been dubbed the 'hawk tuah girl' after her TikTok video went viral.

In the clip, she was asked, "What's one move in bed that makes a man go crazy every time?"

'Hawk Tuah' Woman Sells Over ,000 In Merch Following Viral Success
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This question was part of a video by creators Tim & Dee TV, capturing Welch as she stood laughing with her friends, ready to drop her insight.

With a gesture that mimicked gathering saliva, she answered, "You gotta give 'em that 'hawk tuah' and spit on that thing, you get me?"

Her response sent her friend into a fit of laughter, and she wasn't alone in her amusement.

Since its initial post on June 11, the video has racked up millions of views, catapulting Welch into instant meme fame.

Check out the clip below for yourself:

One X user predicted the spread of the viral moment, commenting: "Brace yourselves everyone. Within the next week the Hawk Tuah meme will finally make its way to Facebook and we'll have to explain to our parents and grandparents what it means. Just be ready."

True to that prediction, a few weeks after the video's release, Welch began earning money by selling merchandise inspired by her viral fame.

Welch partnered with Fathead Threads, a family-operated business in Marshall County, Tennessee, run by Jason Poteete who has known Welch for many years.

After the video went viral, Poteete contacted her to capitalize on the opportunity.

In an interview with Rolling Stone, Poteete shared: "Of course she hasn't gotten a dime from the first viral video that went out."

"Nobody was asking permission for her to do nothing, neither. I just wanted her to get some profit off of this deal."

'Hawk Tuah' Woman Sells Over ,000 In Merch Following Viral Success
Auto Draft

Welch has since acquired an agent and consulted a lawyer to trademark the phrase 'hawk tuah,' though she requested that her face not be used on any of the merchandise.

Currently, Fathead Threads is selling hats labeled 'Hawk Tuah '24' for $32.78, with autographed versions priced at $50.

Poteete noted that the shop has sold approximately 2,000 hats, generating around $65,000.

"Our largest orders are usually 100 hats, maybe 150-250 shirts. This is way out of the normal for us," he explained. "This is a small family-owned shop. We're all-hands-on-deck right now."

Reflecting on Welch's video, Poteete remarked, "I just think the world needed a laugh, and she provided that."