
Photo Shows How A Mom's Bones Shift While Giving Birth To Make Room For The Baby

Photo Shows How A Mom's Bones Shift While Giving Birth To Make Room For The Baby

A lot of people think that having a baby is all about breathing properly and pushing. While these are important aspects of this process, there is usually a lot more going on in a woman's body as a baby is born.

Of course, everyone knows a lot goes into bringing a life into this world. However, a photo has emerged that is blowing people's minds by showing them how a mom's bones shift during the birthing process.

Pregnancy Comes With Many Physical Changes

Photo Shows How A Mom's Bones Shift While Giving Birth To Make Room For The Baby

Of course, physical signs of pregnancy such as swollen feet and the baby bump are not easy to miss.

However, the changes don't end there.

The Body Chances Even After Birth

Photo Shows How A Mom's Bones Shift While Giving Birth To Make Room For The Baby

Currently, there is a big postpartum body movement on social media. Its goal is to celebrate stretch marks and swollen breasts that accompany the process of being a new mom.

Not Many Talk About What Happens To A Woman During Birth

Photo Shows How A Mom's Bones Shift While Giving Birth To Make Room For The Baby

While many people understand that the uterus contracts and that the cervix dilates to allow the baby to pass through the body, there is still a lot we don't know about the process.

A newly released picture shows that a woman's entire body is involved in the process of giving birth. It also demonstrates the immense amount of strength it takes to give birth to a baby.

The Backbone Also Moves

The photo above, by North Dallas Doulas, shows how a mom's backbone moves to make room for the baby.

From the picture, it is clear that the backbone has to protrude quite a bit. It is the triangular bump you can see at the base of her spine just under her skin.

What Happens When This Bone Moves During Pregnancy?

Photo Shows How A Mom's Bones Shift While Giving Birth To Make Room For The Baby

According to Dr. Sarah Wickham, the kite-shaped area is called the rhombus of Michaelis, and it includes the three lower lumbar vertebrae, the sacrum, and the ligament from the base of the skull to the sacrum.

The Doctor Explained How Bones Shift During Labor

Photo Shows How A Mom's Bones Shift While Giving Birth To Make Room For The Baby

According to Dr. Wickham, the wedge-shaped area of bone shifts backward during the second stage of labor. In the process, it pushes out the wings of the ilia, which in turn makes the diameter of the pelvis wider.

Midwives, Doctors And Doulas Have Seen This For Decades

Photo Shows How A Mom's Bones Shift While Giving Birth To Make Room For The Baby

However, this photo demonstrates how this process takes place.

This, apparently, is what Jamaican midwives meant when they said a baby cannot be born until the woman "opens her back."

It's Unusual, But Very Normal

Photo Shows How A Mom's Bones Shift While Giving Birth To Make Room For The Baby

Watching this process take place might freak you out. However, it is also quite normal as far as having a baby goes.

The Process Makes Sure The Baby Has Enough Room To Move

Photo Shows How A Mom's Bones Shift While Giving Birth To Make Room For The Baby

Dr. Wickham explained that during normal birth, the rhombus Michaelis has to move backward for the baby to have enough space to turn the shoulders in.

The Process Was Visible Due To The Mother's Position

Photo Shows How A Mom's Bones Shift While Giving Birth To Make Room For The Baby

The doctor said that when women are leaning forward and kneeling in an upright position, the lump appears on their backs below the waist level.

Many People Have Commented On This On Facebook And Instagram

Photo Shows How A Mom's Bones Shift While Giving Birth To Make Room For The Baby

Moms who had given birth in a similar position had a rare opportunity to see how their backs looked like when they were in the same position.

The Photo Was A Shock To Many People

Photo Shows How A Mom's Bones Shift While Giving Birth To Make Room For The Baby

Clearly, this demonstrates how incredible women's bodies are.

Many mothers were reminded of their own experiences by the photo.

Photo Shows How A Mom's Bones Shift While Giving Birth To Make Room For The Baby

Typically, we imagine that women give birth while lying on their backs. However, a lot of women clearly choose to have their babies while in an upright position or while on their hands and knees.

Some Moms Can Recall The Exact Moments The Bones Shifted

Photo Shows How A Mom's Bones Shift While Giving Birth To Make Room For The Baby

This mom remembers hearing her bones pop. That's pretty incredible, right?

Still, many experienced moms had no idea this is what was happening to them as they were delivering their babies.

Photo Shows How A Mom's Bones Shift While Giving Birth To Make Room For The Baby

They are not alone in thinking this. A lot of people had no idea this is what happens to a woman's body during the process of giving birth.

Clearly, there are a lot of things that go on with a woman's body during birth that we still know nothing about.