
NHS Provides Official Advice For Men Wanting To Get A Bigger Penis

NHS Provides Official Advice For Men Wanting To Get A Bigger Penis

If you're interested in enlarging your manhood, there are methods that might add a few inches, as per NHS advice.

With Google Trends data indicating a significant spike in 'penis enlargement' searches by over 100 percent in 2021 and 2022, it appears many men are keen on enhancing their privates.

During that period, penis enlargement pills also saw a surge in popularity. However, the NHS recommends certain approaches that might be equally effective.


The effectiveness of these methods varies, with some of the most reliable options involving surgery, which can be quite painful.

Recent data shows that the average length of a penis is 3.61 inches when flaccid and 5.17 inches when erect.

NHS Provides Official Advice For Men Wanting To Get A Bigger Penis
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Thus, it's clear that the situation isn't one of dealing with extremely small sizes; these are fairly typical measurements.

Yet, there are those who desire a larger size to boost their body confidence, and that's perfectly acceptable.

With a range of options available, from extenders, pumps, and gels to pills, diets, and implants, it's understandable why many would consider surgery only as a final option.


Still, you don't need to invest in the latest gadgets and devices to achieve the results you desire. There are three simple steps, endorsed by the NHS, that can help you feel more content with what you have.

Professor Kevan Wylie, a consultant in sexual medicine, shared with The Sun: "Many men who worry about the size of their penis generally have overall body image issues."

"What happens is that they tend to focus their poor body image on their penis."


"Often, counselling can make a real difference to the patient by building self-esteem, correcting distorted views about body image and learning more about what makes people attractive."

NHS Provides Official Advice For Men Wanting To Get A Bigger Penis
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So, what steps can you take?

Trim your pubes completely

While it might seem surprising, cutting back your pubic hair can make your 'tree' appear bigger – you see the logic?

Often, a simple trim is all it takes to enhance what's already there.

Lose the beer belly

It's well known that a beer belly can make your penis appear smaller, as it hangs over and obscures the area.


Shedding that extra weight might just reveal a larger package than you expected.

NHS Provides Official Advice For Men Wanting To Get A Bigger Penis
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Improve your overall fitness and health

Beyond just losing weight, taking general care of your health is advised by the NHS because it enhances both your appearance and your well-being.

Body image issues often fuel insecurities, and addressing these by improving your mental and physical health can be very effective.

Remember, these techniques don't actually increase your size, but they help you appreciate what you've got and improve your mental perspective.


If these steps don't help, consider consulting your GP about a referral to a urologist to discuss the possibility of penis enlargement surgery or talking to a counselor to understand the root of your insecurities.