
Identifying A Fake Friend: 13 Telltale Signs They Can't Hide

Identifying A Fake Friend: 13 Telltale Signs They Can't Hide

You want your buddy to stick around through thick and thin, right? But what if you're stuck with pals who aren't genuine? If you're reading this, you might have a hunch that someone in your group isn't being the true friend they should be. Does this mean you should completely cut them out? Not necessarily. You can still hang out with them, just be aware of where you stand. Learn to recognize a phony friend—it's a crucial skill for life.


Know your limits and boundaries with them

Why make things so complicated? They don't have to be, especially if you can tell apart genuine friends from the fake ones and use that knowledge moving forward. Making friends might be a breeze, but the real struggle? Identifying the true pals. Sure, everyone loves having a blast and being with enjoyable folks, but what about when the good times fade and you need someone to lean on? That's when you truly discover who your genuine friends are.


There have been moments when I believed my friends were dependable. But when I truly needed their support, they let me down. Looking back, I realize I missed the signs for months because I was too focused on having a good time, like many of us are. However, learning to identify a fake friend is simpler than you might imagine.

They don't accept you for you

Identifying A Fake Friend: 13 Telltale Signs They Can't Hide

You should always be true to yourself – that's what makes you unique. But sometimes, people around you don't embrace your true self. Instead, they act like there's something inherently wrong with you, pressuring you to change who you are. A genuine friend, on the other hand, sees your imperfections and still loves and accepts you. True friends don't pass judgment; they're there to back you up on your journey.


They're jealous

Identifying A Fake Friend: 13 Telltale Signs They Can't Hide

It's natural for everyone to feel a bit jealous at times. But when your friend achieves something, it's important to genuinely celebrate their success and push aside any jealousy you might be experiencing.

You might observe that instead of sharing in your joy, they make snide remarks or tease you about your achievements. Real friends don't do that; those are the actions of someone who's jealous.


You're their punching bag

Identifying A Fake Friend: 13 Telltale Signs They Can't Hide

In the emotional department, a phony friend won't hesitate to dump all their problems on you. What's more, you spend your time giving them advice they requested, yet, they never really heed your words. They expect you to invest all the emotional effort, but they never plan on changing themselves.

Calls only when they need something

Identifying A Fake Friend: 13 Telltale Signs They Can't Hide

Here's one of those classic signs of a fake friend: they're there with you, hitting the bars and clubs, sharing laughs. But beyond that, they only reach out when they want something. It becomes even more apparent when you haven't heard from them in ages, and suddenly, out of the blue, they show up asking how you're doing and then drop a big favor request on you.

They're not there when you need them

Identifying A Fake Friend: 13 Telltale Signs They Can't Hide

Fake friends have this peculiar trait – they're conspicuously absent when you truly need them. If you're trying to figure out how to identify a fake friend, pay attention to the ones who tend to flake out. They might promise to stand by your side, but when the moment arrives – poof, they disappear. Your concerns or needing assistance don't matter to them. They only stick around to use you as a crutch to navigate through their own problems.


They hate it when you call them out

Identifying A Fake Friend: 13 Telltale Signs They Can't Hide

When you tell a genuine friend that they're bothering you, they might get upset initially. But eventually, they understand your perspective, sit down, and have a conversation with you. They're upset because they care about your feelings and cherish the friendship. On the flip side, a fake friend can't handle the truth. When confronted, they become defensive and lose their temper because they can't cope with being called out.


They don't support you

Identifying A Fake Friend: 13 Telltale Signs They Can't Hide

You've got dreams and ambitions, but when they're with you, they never encourage or support you in reaching for those goals. That's not what a true friend does. Your goals don't have to be monumental; they could be small, everyday achievements. The thing is, these friends consistently try to divert your focus away from attaining them. It's as if they don't want you to succeed in any aspect of your life.


They demand your attention

Identifying A Fake Friend: 13 Telltale Signs They Can't Hide

They might call you while you're busy working or spending time with others, but when they do, they assume you'll drop everything and rush to them. And, the issue is, you comply and assist them. I can't entirely fault them for this because you're partially responsible too. The problem lies in their lack of respect for your life and your time – they simply want your world to revolve around them.


They're all about the gossip

Identifying A Fake Friend: 13 Telltale Signs They Can't Hide

When they're with you, they're always prying for information, whether it's about you or someone else. If they're doing this right in front of you, just think about what they might be up to behind your back. Gossiping might be common, but there's a line, and when it's excessive, it becomes a problem.

You don't feel like you can be yourself

Identifying A Fake Friend: 13 Telltale Signs They Can't Hide

You can't just be yourself and unwind around them. It feels like you have to fit into a specific mold when you're with them. If that's the situation, they aren't your true friend. If you express your true self, they either criticize you or get mad, cutting off communication until you align with their views. If that's happening, it's time to let them go.

They're always more important

Identifying A Fake Friend: 13 Telltale Signs They Can't Hide

You could have just landed a promotion or won a scholarship, but if they're more focused on their own bad day at work, placing their needs above yours consistently, they aren't a genuine friend. Regardless of the situation, if they consistently prioritize themselves over you, it's a clear indication that they don't genuinely care about your feelings or achievements.

They break promises

Identifying A Fake Friend: 13 Telltale Signs They Can't Hide

They might promise you the world, but when it comes down to it, they never follow through. Countless excuses likely follow them, explaining why they had to back out, but the bottom line is, they bail. And they keep bailing, repeatedly. When someone truly wants to do something, they do it. It's as straightforward as that.

You feel their insincerity

Identifying A Fake Friend: 13 Telltale Signs They Can't Hide

You already sense they're a phony friend, but you're here seeking confirmation. Deep down, you know precisely who they are and what you're facing. Maybe you're hesitant to let them go or believe you still need them for something. Let me be clear: this friendship is toxic. It's time to make a choice.