
Gordon Ramsay Opens Up About His Son's Passing

Gordon Ramsay Opens Up About His Son's Passing

Losing a child is one of the toughest experiences anyone can endure. Gordon Ramsay and his wife, Tonya, had to face this heartbreaking challenge.

Gordon and Tana have six children, but sadly, only five of them are alive today. They have a 25-year-old daughter named Megan, 23-year-old twins named Jack and Holly, a 21-year-old daughter named Matilda, and a 4-year-old son named Oscar.

Gordon Ramsay Opens Up About His Son's Passing

Tragically, their son, Rocky, didn't make it in 2016 when Tana was 20 weeks pregnant. It was a heartbreaking loss for the family. Despite having a strong heartbeat, the little one was just too small to survive.

The mother also shared a happy moment that occurred a few days before the pregnancy was lost. She had posted a picture of herself surrounded by family, celebrating Megan's 18th birthday.


Gordon has largely kept quiet about the pain of losing his child. However, he has recently begun to share his feelings, stating: "There's no book that guides you through that loss, and so losing Rocky was really tough." He added, "Watching the trauma unfold, it's this life-changing moment."

Gordon Ramsay Opens Up About His Son's Passing

He also mentions that their family grew stronger after facing this loss together. It highlights the depth of their relationship and how they can navigate the sorrow of such a tragedy.

They demonstrate their unity in various ways, like naming a home after Rocky. They also wear jewelry engraved with his name, with everyone in the family participating.

Gordon also mentioned that if they hadn't lost Rocky, they wouldn't have had Oscar. While they emphasize that Oscar isn't a replacement, they acknowledge that he has helped them form a strong bond.


Gordon does mention that his wife is strong and stated: "Just watching the way that she dealt with it — and opened up with other friends and women in close proximity that could give advice — she was incredible straight after that." He added, "There's a lot of things that Tana's done, that we wouldn't be here today without that strength."