
Annie Hawkins: Woman With The World's Largest Breasts

Annie Hawkins: Woman With The World's Largest Breasts

The Guinness Book of World Records lists Annie Hawkins as the woman with the world's largest breasts. The plus-size "fetish model" was born in Georgia, and she won the unusual title back in 1999.

To this day, she still holds the world record for the world's largest breasts.

The famous lady is now in her sixties, and at their peak, her massive breasts weighed a mind-boggling 112 pounds (51 kgs). The breasts are also more than four and a half feet long.

Under the breasts, she measures 109.22 cm (43 inches); and over her nipples, she has a measurement of 177.8 cm (70 inches).

For Annie Hawkins, having the world's largest breasts also means wearing the largest bra ever made, a US size 52L or 102ZZZ.

They obviously don't make bras that big, so the entrepreneurial mother of two has to have them custom-made for her.

Why Not Get A Breast Reduction Surgery?

Annie Hawkins: Woman With The World's Largest Breasts

When many people hear about the challenges her breasts put her through, they ask Annie Hawkins why she wouldn't go for a breast reduction surgery.

Her answer to such requests has always been "no." She has always insisted that they don't bother her in a way that would make her want to have them reduced.

As far as she is concerned, she is not willing to go to such lengths to get acceptance from society.

In any case, she has argued that once her breasts started growing, her back also grew stronger to support them.

Additionally, she has also gotten therapy on how to handle herself so that she does not hurt herself.

Naturally, women should not have the kind of breasts Annie spots. Annie suffers from a condition called gigantomastia.

The rare medical problem affects the connective tissue in the breasts and makes them grow excessively. In Annie's case, they grew so much that they weighed more than an average 11-year-old.

Although many people think that having large breasts slows her down, she has admitted that she has a typical day "like everybody else."

However, when she was younger, her breasts got in her way.

Annie Hawkins started wearing adult-sized bras when she was nine years old, and she hated it because she was a child and just wanted to play like her age mates.

Challenges Of Having The World's Largest Breasts

Annie Hawkins: Woman With The World's Largest Breasts

The super-sized breasts came with some challenges for Annie.

She had never worn training bras when she was young. Annie started wearing adult bras right away when she was still in third grade.

Additionally, Annie cannot stand for prolonged periods as the strain they put on her shoulders makes them go numb.

Walking down the stairs is also never easy, as she has to be extra careful to avoid hurting herself. Even while getting out of bed, she has to be cautious not to hurt herself.

Due to her enormous chest, she can only drive a 4×4 and use extra-large airplane seats.

Furthermore, the breasts grew so much that she got a tailor to make her custom bras. When the tailor eventually passed away, she decided to go braless.

Still, she was desperate to find someone who could make her a bra. Although many people can create the bra design she needs, few have the sort of material she needs to support her massive breasts.

She had to pay $374 for a custom-made bra at one point.

She could also not breastfeed her children due to the size of her chest. There was no way she could hold the baby against her chest without the risk of smothering them.

She Has Had To Deal With Bullies All Her Life

Annie Hawkins: Woman With The World's Largest Breasts

Annie Hawkins became the target of many bullies due to her large breasts from a very young age.

"Kids are some of the worst people in the world when it comes to picking on people. I was teased a lot."

She was insensitively labeled the "whale boob girl" by other children.

Annie was also concerned that boys would only take an interest in her only for her large breasts.

Other challenges she faces today include attacks by trolls.

Fortunately, some men see her breasts as their ultimate fantasy, which is why she has managed to make a small fortune from them.

Annie Hawkins: Woman With The World's Largest Breasts

Nevertheless, whenever she gets out of the house, she usually has some concerns:

"When I go out of my house, I have to think about what my day is going to be like and who is going to attack me today."

Every day, a stranger teases her.

Nevertheless, she feels bad for her son due to the stares they get when together. Whenever she goes, people stop to stare and point at her.

Annie's Happy Marriage

Annie Hawkins: Woman With The World's Largest Breasts

Annie Hawkins met Allen Turner, an air force officer who thought her breasts were "magnificent," in 1991. He was 20 years her senior, but they got on quite well.

He helped boost her confidence by telling her she was beautiful. Turner also accepted her kids.

The couple got married after five years of dating. He also supported Annie and helped her make the most of her breasts.

Annie Hawkin's husband encouraged her to send some pictures to a specialized magazine. Before long, she had a lot of requests.

She first appeared in Juggs Magazine in the 90s.

Her career kept growing, and she even created her website where men pay to admire her boobs. In the first year, she made about $50,000.

She was married to Turner for 13 years before he passed away in 2003 due to lung cancer. Annie Hawkins said that the man treated her like a queen and loved her kids.

"He was my angel."

Annie's Large Breasts Became Her Biggest Investment

Annie Hawkins: Woman With The World's Largest Breasts

Annie Hawkins has admitted that having the largest boobs in the world has a couple of benefits.

She has been to many places around the world due to her unique "talent." Some of the places she has visited include Amsterdam, Germany, Japan, and London.

She has also appeared in several magazines. She has also been on talk shows in addition to appearing on Strange Sex.

Eventually, she was featured on The Jenny Jones Show. In 2016, her likeness was added to Ha Long wax museum's collection in Vietnam. She was also inducted into the BBW Hall of Fame in 2018.

Instead, she sees her breasts as an investment, which is why she has made more than 250 soft-porn videos. She goes by the name Norma Stitz and considers herself a "fantasy model." The name Norma Stitz is derived from the words "enormous tits."

Strangely, she became a celebrity in other countries around the world before she got attention in the United States.

That is why she is against any plans to have her breasts reduced:

"I've lived a productive life with my breasts, and I just wouldn't change a thing about me."

She does not consider herself broken, which is why she does not believe she needs to fix herself. In all likelihood, since her massive breasts are her biggest assets, getting the breasts reduced is probably not an option.

Today, Annie Hawkins Is An Icon

Annie Hawkins: Woman With The World's Largest Breasts

While the extra attention that comes with larger breasts is sometimes welcome, Annie had to hire security to keep off men who would "chase" her, especially after getting the Guinness World Record.

She made the realization that she needed security when a crowd overwhelmed her after she appeared in a nightclub. Both men and women surrounded her.

Annie has talked of scenarios where people grope her and put their hands down her top.

Annie has previously said that some people have tried to look like her without success because she is "one in a million." Annie Hawkins has become an inspiration to many large-breasted models.

As big as Annie's breasts are, they have never stopped growing.

She has also become an advocate for other women with large breasts. That is why she runs an international model search for women with large breasts.

Annie has since given up on bras, preferring to wear stretchy clothes instead.

Otherwise, she is just a mom with the world's largest breasts and an entrepreneurial mind as far as she is concerned.

The inconveniences that come with having large breasts are all worth it for Annie since holding the title of the world's largest breasts has helped her make millions of dollars over the years.

Through her business, she has managed to teach her children through college, buy nice cars and homes, and travel around the world.

Her children are proud of what she has achieved, although unwelcome attention from strangers sometimes upsets them.