Woman Suffers Permanent Scars And Second-Degree Burns From Jaw-Sculpting Procedure

Woman Suffers Permanent Scars And Second-Degree Burns From Jaw-Sculpting Procedure

Lots of people try to make their lives better in different ways. This includes a woman from Sacramento, California, who chose to get surgery to help her.

The woman, Victoria Quezada, had the surgery and it didn't go as planned. She went for a beauty treatment that was supposed to be easy and not involve surgery, but it ended up being a decision she would regret forever.

Woman Suffers Permanent Scars And Second-Degree Burns From Jaw-Sculpting Procedure
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The treatment she got is called CoolSculpting. It's supposed to freeze and kill off fat cells in certain areas, and it can supposedly get rid of up to 25% of body fat in those spots.

Even though it seems safe, Victoria's story shows it's not that simple. She ended up with scars she'll have for life and is now suing the clinic where she got it done.

Woman Suffers Permanent Scars And Second-Degree Burns From Jaw-Sculpting Procedure
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Victoria shared pictures to show what happened, including one from two weeks before the treatment when she wished for a more defined jawline.

"Fast forward a week and two ER visits later… here we are," she shared.

Woman Suffers Permanent Scars And Second-Degree Burns From Jaw-Sculpting Procedure
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She warned her followers that the burn pictures are shocking, and she even lost her voice because her throat swelled up, affecting her vocal cords.

The treatment left her with a burn under her chin and blisters, without the sharp jawline she hoped for. Instead, she ended up with a swollen, red face.

Over a million people have seen her video, and many were shocked, suggesting she should sue the clinic for doing something wrong.
