
Woman Goes Viral After HR Refuses To Write Her Name In Emails Due To Unfortunate Initials

Woman Goes Viral After HR Refuses To Write Her Name In Emails Due To Unfortunate Initials

William Shakespeare famously wondered about the value of a name with his question, 'What's in a name?'

For one TikToker, it turns out a name can lead to quite a bit of awkwardness and hassle.

The social media star, @thesam_show, also known as Samantha Hart, told her 45,500 followers about a big update in her work life last year.

On September 23, she started a TikTok video with some news:


"Well y'all it's official. I have a new job which means that I will be transitioning from my current position to a new one within the next two weeks."

"In amidst all of this excitement that I feel about this transition and this move and this opportunity I am filled with dread over one aspect of moving to a different job."

Samantha shared that she always faces a 'difficult conversation' whenever she starts working at a new place.

Woman Goes Viral After HR Refuses To Write Her Name In Emails Due To Unfortunate Initials
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The problem? Her name doesn't exactly conform to the usual 'company email structure'.

"My name is Samantha Hart," she clarified.

"Most companies use the email designation of first initial [followed by] last name."

"Meaning that my email would be 'Shart' and I've had two professional jobs so far and every single workplace this has been the email company structure."

She noted that she has gotten several messages from Human Resources (HR) departments, explaining that her full name doesn't fit well with their email system.

Woman Goes Viral After HR Refuses To Write Her Name In Emails Due To Unfortunate Initials
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"I don't want an email that says 'Shart'," she joked.

"Fix it, give me something else. So now, as I transition to this new role, I did investigate the email structure at this new company."

Samantha was disappointed to find out that her new job also follows the same email naming rule, and she wasn't looking forward to having 'another awkward talk'.

At the end of her video, which lasted one minute and 38 seconds, she wondered if she should talk to HR first this time.


"Do I just reach out off the back and say look - you're not gonna want my email to be this? Or should I let them come to me? Should I let them initiate the conversation?"


sorry if i talk about this problem too much but it is HAPPENING AGAIN!!

♬ original sound - Sam Hart

After her video got a lot of views, many TikTok users started sharing their own stories about problems with their names in emails.

One user, named Chris.Littmann, said: "Clittmann has entered the chat. Have been dealing with this since college."

Another mentioned, "My name is Sue Hartlove so my work emails are always 'shartlove'."

"RKelley has entered the chat," added someone else.


And Samantha Wallo related, saying: "As Swallo I feel your pain."