Weird Story

This Teacher Is Suing The 17 Year Old Student That She Had Sex With – And His Mum Too

This Teacher Is Suing The 17 Year Old Student That She Had Sex With – And His Mum Too

In most cases, teachers discovered to have had sex with their students try to keep the scandals hidden to avoid public outrage. However, 31-year-old Tanya Ramirez did the complete opposite.

Rather than feel ashamed for getting intimate with a student, the teacher shocked everyone with her public attempts to prove that the student was at fault.

In fact, she is not just suing the student, but his mother as well.

This Teacher Is Suing The 17 Year Old Student That She Had Sex With – And His Mum Too

When Ramirez had sex with Tristan, he was 17 years old, which is the age of consent in Texas. However, since she was his teacher, the sex was illegal.

Consequently, when the affair was discovered, it was treated as a court case, and she had to plead guilty to a second-degree felony charge. She also had to pay for her crime by getting seven years of probation from her job.

After Losing Her Job, The Teacher Fought Back

However, she was not going to take the punishment without a fight. Therefore, she decided to sue the boy and the mom on account of the sex tape he distributed among his friends.


Ramirez thinks the boy is guilty of "extreme and outrageous" behavior as well as invasion of privacy. She also got Tristan's mother into the mix by accusing her of making defamatory statements about her by claiming she had slept with other students.

Ramirez insists that this is not true. She even got on Dr. Phil to explain why she has decided to take the drastic action against the student and his mother.


For some reason, she is the only teacher to think her student would not brag about having sex with a male student. Tristan will probably consider this a major achievement for many years to come.

There is no conceivable situation where the student could have kept such a matter private.

Tristan's mother also seems to have a sense of humor about it. She had a hilarious comment when the teacher said that her sex tape went viral:


"It didn't go viral. It wasn't that good."

That probably hurts, although that comment also says a lot about her son's skills. By the way, when you come to think of it, it's pretty weird to imagine that she watched a video of her son having sex with his teacher.

At this point, it's not clear if the teacher's unexpected lawsuit will go anywhere or not. The public is anxious to see how the case will go.


However, all things considered, it was extremely ill-advised of her to have sex with a student, and so, getting an upper hand in the courts will certainly be a huge challenge.

Although she has a right to get pissed by the fact that her sex video has been shared widely for all to see, she will have an even harder time justifying her decision to commit the felon that led to the whole fiasco.


Actually, she could be putting herself at risk and might end up spending three decades in jail to serve as an example to other teachers who would like to have sex with their students and then take them to court.