This Is Why Hugging Is The Most Beautiful Form Of Communication

This Is Why Hugging Is The Most Beautiful Form Of Communication

A hug helps you connect with the other person while giving you a wonderful sense of love, care, relief, and comfort.

According to family therapist Virginia Satir, an average person needs 4 hugs a day to survive, 8 for maintenance, and 12 hugs daily to grow.

What many people don't know is that there's actually scientific proof behind the act of hugging. And it doesn't matter whether you're the one giving or receiving it.


Let's take a look at why you should give and receive as many hugs as possible.

Hugs Strengthens Immune System

When you hug someone, the pressure on the sternum and the emotional change triggers the Solar Plexus Chakra, stimulating your thymus gland. This induced a balanced production of white blood cells in your body.


Relief from Grief

Hugging someone going through grief provides true solace, soothes their pain, as well as calming their souls. This gives them the strength to go on and overcome emotional torture.

Reduces Stress Levels

We often underestimate how powerful the act of hugging is. Getting a hug from someone eases your stress levels instantly, especially when you're already having a bad day.


When you receive a hug, your cortisol level reduces dramatically, allowing your mind to feel clearer and calmer than before.

You'll then feel more positive and less stressed about the happenings you are dealing with.

Hugs Relax the Body

Hugging allows muscles to relax. When you receive a hug, your muscles all over your body will start to release tension.


Benefits Our Overall Health

A 2014 study found that hugging every day decreases stress levels and stimulates the immune system. Participants who received more hugs every day had a stronger immune system and were less likely to get sick.

Here's why hugging is vital for overall health.

Reduces Fear and Anxiety

People who often experience anxiety would feel more relieved after hugged. This is also proved by scientists who confirmed hugs can actually ease the fear in unconfident people.


Psychological scientist and researcher, Sander Koole, from VU University Amsterdam found that:

"Interpersonal touch is such a powerful mechanism that even objects that simulate touch by another person may help to instill in people a sense of existential significance."

Hugs Boost Our Moods

Hugging increases oxytocin levels also called the "love hormone" or the "bonding hormone," which leads to happiness and euphoria.
