Products Review

The Snore Swatter Allows You To Smack Your Spouse When They Snore

The Snore Swatter Allows You To Smack Your Spouse When They Snore

Have you ever slept beside someone who snores? Ever had the urge to smack them shut? Well, I've got the right device for you.

About 90 million adults in the United States snore. You would agree that at least double that amount suffer from the ensuing noise. For some, their spouses are intermittent snorers so that they won't suffer on a regular.

What if my spouse snores regularly? By spouse I mean, your man - or woman. Lol. Did you think women were excluded? Nah! I have the perfect solution.

The Snore Swatter

The Snore Swatter Allows You To Smack Your Spouse When They Snore
the snore swatter that allows you smack your spouse when they snore

I am no advocate of violence, but all it sometimes takes to stop the other person from snoring is a pat or tap. Sometimes, a soft punch. Maybe you feel like throwing a power-packed punch sometimes, but please don't.

Well, the snore swatter is like a selfie stick that you can extend to the snoring culprit on the other side of the bed.

Don't worry. It won't harm the receiver. The fist attached to the extendable stick is made of foam, so it won't hurt when it hits.

Why You Need The Snore Swatter

The Snore Swatter Allows You To Smack Your Spouse When They Snore
the snore swatter that allows you smack your spouse when they snore

Are you cranky at the very start of the day? It could be a result of inadequate sleep and rest. When your partner snores, it could have this effect on you, especially if the snores disturb your sleep.

Chronic snoring is not only harmful to those listening but also the one snoring. It could be pointing at an underlying health issue that needs to be addressed.

For intermittent snorers, this extendable snore stopper is a good solution to the problem. Oftentimes, a tap to adjust one's sleeping position is all it takes to stop an intermittent snorer from snoring.

The snore swatter also saves you the stress of having to roll over or extend your arms to reach your spouse.

It is wise to keep it out of the reach of kids before they make it into a plaything that quickly turns into real fist fights accompanied by yells and tears. If you have baby boys, you should know what I'm talking about.