
The Seven Phases Of Empath-Narcissist Relationships

The Seven Phases Of Empath-Narcissist Relationships

Relationships can be pretty complicated and come in all shapes and sizes. But when you're talking about the bond between an empath and a narcissist, things get even more interesting. These two personality types are like opposites that can't help but attract each other, yet they're bound to run into problems. So, in a relationship that's bound to come to an end, here are the seven stages of how things unfold between an empath and a narcissist, from their initial encounter to the much-anticipated freedom.


Narcissist vs. Empath

Before we jump into the different phases of these relationships, it's important to understand what makes a narcissist different from an empath. A narcissist is someone who thinks very highly of themselves, constantly seeks attention and admiration, and often lacks empathy for others. They can be controlling and manipulative in their relationships and might even show signs of aggression.


Now, when it comes to empaths, they're a different story. These are folks with a keen sensitivity to pick up on the vibes and energies of others. Empaths are often attracted to narcissists because they can relate to them in a way. But here's the twist: narcissists tend to manipulate this by pretending to care about empaths and then treating them badly. Plus, empaths might struggle with setting limits with narcissists because they really crave that attention.


The 7 Stages Of The Relationship Between An Empath And A Narcissist

These relationships usually kick off on a positive note, mostly because the empath doesn't realize they're involved with a narcissist. From there, they'll navigate through a series of relationship phases before they can finally break free from the narcissist's influence. This journey isn't straightforward; it can be a bit of a rollercoaster, repeating itself, and sometimes it can take an empath several years to find their way out.


Stage 1: The First Meeting

The Seven Phases Of Empath-Narcissist Relationships

At this initial stage, the empath and narcissist tend to come together without realizing what they're getting into. The empath, with their caring and nurturing character, finds themselves captivated by the charming attributes of the narcissist. Meanwhile, the narcissist spots a chance to satisfy their desire for praise and dominance. Right from the beginning, a potent connection is established, laying the foundation for what's to come.


Stage 2: Taking Control

The Seven Phases Of Empath-Narcissist Relationships

As the relationship goes on, the narcissist starts to flex their authority. They use subtle tactics to take charge of different aspects of the empath's life, like making choices for them, keeping them away from family and friends, and creating a feeling of dependence. The empath, guided by their wish to provide support and heal, gets caught up in the narcissist's schemes, often oblivious to the manipulation taking place.


Stage 3: Deception/Gaslighting

The Seven Phases Of Empath-Narcissist Relationships

Now, in this phase, the narcissist's real character starts to surface. They use tactics like gaslighting, which involves twisting reality to make the empath doubt their own understanding and mental stability. The empath, driven by their natural inclination to trust and find goodness in people, begins to second-guess their own encounters. They end up caught in a web of bewilderment and self-questioning.


Stage 4: The First Break

The Seven Phases Of Empath-Narcissist Relationships

With time, the empath begins to see the harmful nature of the relationship. They might muster the courage to address the narcissist regarding their actions or make an effort to set some boundaries. This usually triggers the narcissist to respond with anger, manipulation, or by brushing off the empath's concerns. This initial rupture becomes a pivotal moment for the empath, as they start to grasp the necessity for change and self-reflection.


Stage 5: The Begging and Reunion

The Seven Phases Of Empath-Narcissist Relationships

With time, the empath begins to see the harmful nature of the relationship. They might muster the courage to address the narcissist regarding their actions or make an effort to set some boundaries. This usually triggers the narcissist to respond with anger, manipulation, or by brushing off the empath's concerns. This initial rupture becomes a pivotal moment for the empath, as they start to grasp the necessity for change and self-reflection.


Stage 6: The Final Break

The Seven Phases Of Empath-Narcissist Relationships

As the empath becomes more clear-headed and resilient, they eventually hit a breaking point where they can't endure the toxic relationship any longer. They see the harm it's done to their mental and emotional well-being. It's at this stage that the empath must muster the courage to cut all ties with the narcissist once and for all, finally breaking free from the chains that have held them captive for too long.


Stage 7: The Liberation

The Seven Phases Of Empath-Narcissist Relationships

The last phase marks the path to freedom for the empath. It's a time of recovery, self-exploration, and starting anew. The empath starts to take back their sense of self, uncover their strengths, and set up healthy boundaries. They figure out how to keep their distance from toxic relationships and opt for positive influences and authentic connections. With time, the empath emerges from this phase stronger, wiser, and more resilient than they've ever been before.


How To Recognize a Narcissist

To steer clear of getting into a relationship with a narcissist, it's crucial to know how to spot one. They're more than just folks with a strong ego. Narcissists have a deep-seated craving for attention and validation. They feel envious of others, lack empathy and remorse, and tend to be self-centered and manipulative. Even when there's no real competition or danger of losing, narcissists are excessively competitive. Here are a few common traits to help identify a true narcissist.


Criticism hits them hard, and they see it as a direct personal assault.

They think very highly of themselves and tend to blow up their accomplishments and skills. They might even boast about being experts in various fields where they're not.

Narcissists are always daydreaming about success, power, intelligence, beauty, or romance. They truly believe they possess some extraordinary quality that makes them stand out from the rest of the crowd.


They show no empathy or remorse for how others feel.

If You Are In A Relationship With A Narcissist – Get Out

The connection between an empath and a narcissist is a complicated and challenging one, often tough to work through. Grasping the seven stages of this relationship can offer a better understanding for empaths and anyone dealing with narcissists. Being aware of these stages is the initial move towards escaping the harmful cycle and achieving the freedom and happiness they deserve.
