
Sneaky Message On California Licance Plate Goes Viral

Sneaky Message On California Licance Plate Goes Viral

When it comes to people, one thing stands out: their knack for sneakiness. They've got a way of slipping things past the authorities, things that wouldn't fly otherwise.

Today, we've got something intriguing for you: a vanity license plate. At first glance, it seems ordinary, but once you decode it, you can't unsee it.

Sneaky Message On California Licance Plate Goes Viral
Auto Draft

Every state has rules for vanity plates, aiming to keep offensive ones at bay. There's even a blacklist to prevent certain combinations.

So, imagine our surprise when we stumbled upon this vanity plate in California. Some call it creative, others find it offensive, but we all have to admit, it's quite a feat to slip it past the censors.

This plate made waves on Imgur, and folks couldn't stop marveling at the ingenuity behind it. The plate reads: "3JOH22A."

Take a look at the image below, and try to decipher the hidden message. Vanity plates usually convey something, but in this case, it's all about mirrors.

Sneaky Message On California Licance Plate Goes Viral
Auto Draft

It might not be the wittiest plate out there, but just imagine the moment a cop radios in one of these plates.

You might even swerve at the sight of the driver in your rearview mirror. How they managed to get away with it is anyone's guess, but they definitely pulled a fast one.