Food / Drink

Popular Chef David Chang Stirs Controversy Claiming People Should Not BBQ Hamburgers

Popular Chef David Chang Stirs Controversy Claiming People Should Not BBQ Hamburgers

David Chang's statement against barbecuing hamburgers has stirred up controversy.

The renowned Michelin chef holds strong opinions about this beloved summertime dish, often associated with family gatherings and backyard barbecues.

Chang, the mastermind behind the two Michelin-starred Momofuku Ko, instead provides expert advice on how to craft the perfect burger patty without turning them into 'carbonized c**p'.

Popular Chef David Chang Stirs Controversy Claiming People Should Not BBQ Hamburgers

Contrary to popular belief, Chang suggests that the traditional method of grilling burgers outdoors is not ideal. In his podcast, The Dave Chang Show, the culinary expert recommends using a griddle for that juicy and seared perfection.

Chang boldly states, "Grills suck for burgers. We have assumed as a culture that in summer, we eat a burger and it's grilled."

Expressing his unpopular opinion that grill is a 'horrible thing for the burger, he admits, "I think this viewpoint could get me in trouble."


Continuing his anti-grill argument, the 45-year-old emphasizes that, "The success rate of the griddle is better than the grill, and also there's no clean up, you have nothing to worry about."

Popular Chef David Chang Stirs Controversy Claiming People Should Not BBQ Hamburgers

"A juicy burger is going to turn into a guaranteed grease fire [on a barbecue], why use it? This whole idea of imparting flavor from the grill, the only flavor that's being imparted is the carbonised crap that's on it."

Here's some unfortunate news for all the self-proclaimed BBQ masters out there, proudly wearing their 'Kiss the Cook' aprons.

David Chang has debunked any notions of achieving a smoky flavor through minimal BBQ searing, putting those theories to rest: "You would need to cook a burger over charcoal for 12 hours to get that smoky flavor."


"A backyard burger is an experience that you try to convince yourself is better than it actually is," he went on. "It's the nostalgia, it's the smells, it's your friends. But if you actually take it out of the context, it's not that good."

Well, brace yourself for this.

To add insult to injury, not only does he believe that grilling makes the taste worse, but the acclaimed chef went on to declare that the presumed connection between grills and burgers is nothing but a clever "marketing lie."

Popular Chef David Chang Stirs Controversy Claiming People Should Not BBQ Hamburgers

"How many places where you think have a good burger, cook it on a grill?" he asked.

To be fair, the man does raise a valid point.

Although he might strongly oppose cooking burgers over an open flame, Chang has discovered other ingredients that truly shine on a grill, especially corn.

He sstated: "There's no redeeming quality about a grilled burger."

"It's good for chicken, chicken thighs, spatchcock chicken, pork, lamb chops and seafood."


Chang further pointed out: "There are some vegetables that are good grilled, squash and aubergine, but only if they're cut a specific way or they can still fall through the gaps."

"Corn is clearly the only champion. I can't think of anything else."

What are your thoughts on Chang's opinions about cooking?