
People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day

People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day

Sometimes, the slightest thing can ruin an entire day, and that's exactly what these individuals are going through.

1. Well, That's One Way To Keep Your Car Clean

People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day
People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day

2. "Tried To Save A Few Trees And Bought A Silicone "cotton Swab". Guess Who's In Urgent Care Because The Other End Is Stuck In His Ear?"

1 tree = 1 ear, that's the deal.

People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day
People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day

3. "Last One Out For The Weekend And I Don't Have The Key."

Both options come with a hefty price tag.

People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day
People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day

4. "Some People Tonight Paid $40 To Park On A Grass Lawn For A Concert Only To Find Afterwards A Tree Parked On Their Cars."

The tree made a daring leap, landing among the cars below.

People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day
People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day

5. "Found This In The Washing Machine In My Building."

Access to R-rated content on that TV has been restricted.

People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day
People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day

6. "My Car Is On The Other Side Of This Group Of Assholes. Send Help."

Farewell to this guy's ankles, they're in for a rough time.

People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day
People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day

7. "Ate Half Of The Bag Before I Actually Looked At Them."

That's a surefire way to wreak havoc on his insides.

People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day
People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day

8. "Well. My Catalytic Converter's Gone."

The rims were the only things they didn't take.

People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day
People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day

9. "Fried Mushrooms For An Omelette, Realized I'm Out Of Eggs."

Consider this a complete victory.

People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day
People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day

10. "I Need This For School. I Don't Have The Money For A New One."

Have you attempted to slap some sense into it?

People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day
People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day

11. Kevin From The Office Flashbacks

People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day
People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day

12. "Got Back To Hotel After Working 12hrs To Find That They Bagged All Our Stuff Into A Trash Bag & Gave Our (Paid For) Room Away. Thanks Choice Hotels."

What was your motive behind doing this?

People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day
People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day

13. "I Was Trying To Microwave Milk."

The milk refused to cooperate that day.

People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day
People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day

14. "Healthy Living Isn't Available In Your Country"

My aversion to exercise has nothing to do with laziness, it's all about that.

People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day
People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day

15. "What's Left Of The Chopping Board I Melted After Preheating The Oven. I'm Tipsy So This Is Funny For Now…"

The laughter fades once sobriety sets in.

People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day
People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day

16. Take Away His College Fund.

"Neighbor's 12yo grandkid decided to sneak in the car and take a joyride. Freaked out, hit the gas, and crossed their lawn and mine to hit the front of my house."

People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day
People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day

17. Utterly Tragic.

People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day
People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day

18. "My Basement Got A Little Wet."

Just a tiny bit.

People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day
People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day

19. "Fell Asleep Making Some Mac N Cheese."

The mac and cheese was on a direct route to hell.

People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day
People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day

20. "Nothing Better To Start Your Morning Than Dropping A Full Jar Of Glitter."

This individual will be discovering glitter on themselves for the rest of their days.

People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day
People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day

21. What's Scarier Than A Spider Is A Lost, Cleansed And Moisturised Spider.

"I had a cleanser leak in my sink. A couple days later I came across this… don't know where the spider is now, but I can only assume she's angry and a superhero now."

People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day
People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day

22. "McDonalds Left A Label In My Burger."

That's the indicator of its freshness.

People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day
People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day

23. "A Moose Broke Through A Window And Entered A School In Saskatoon Today."

His goal was to earn a diploma.

People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day
People Going Through A Dreadful, Horrendous, Unpleasant Day