
People Ask Mom To Quit Posting Her Baby's Pics Online

People Ask Mom To Quit Posting Her Baby's Pics Online

Folks all over the globe love to post photos of their babies online. They capture numerous moments of their little ones and share them on social platforms for friends and family to see.

It's a common practice, yet sometimes it faces criticism. Such was the case for a mom named Natosha, who also enjoyed posting snapshots of her baby on the web.

Like many parents, Natosha frequently posts photos of Raedyn, her one-year-old son. However, she faces negativity, criticism, and even bullying due to her son's appearance.

People Ask Mom To Quit Posting Her Baby's Pics Online
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The backlash often comes when she posts videos on TikTok featuring herself and Raedyn. These posts can attract hundreds of comments, with many urging her to stop sharing images or videos of her son.

To the critics, Natosha firmly responds: "I will not stop… just because he looks different doesn't mean that he is any less – he is perfect."

Despite the negative comments questioning her son's appearance or his condition, Natosha remains unfazed.


Raedyn was born with Pfeiffer syndrome, a condition that affects the shape of the head, face, and limbs. To Natosha, Raedyn's differences don't matter; she believes he is perfect and refuses to stop sharing his photos.

She often faces questions about his quality of life and why she chooses to share his journey, yet she stands strong in her decision to celebrate her son's uniqueness.

People Ask Mom To Quit Posting Her Baby's Pics Online
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It's not just online where Natosha faces challenges; in real life, people approach her with insensitive inquiries, making public outings tough for her at times.

She declares: "He lives a life like every other child… does he look different? Absolutely – but that doesn't make him any less."

"He deserves life, he deserves acceptance – I will fight until my dying day for that."


Natosha emphasizes that she's simply a mom and her son is just a child, not defined by his medical condition. She believes:

"We are just a normal family. I pray for the world to accept disabled people one day and not judge off of their appearance and the things they cannot do."

We wish for Natosha and her son to keep finding joy in life and to experience everything it has to offer to the fullest.
