
Opinion: If You Can Not Let Your Boyfriend See You Without Makeup, It Is Not Real Love

Opinion: If You Can Not Let Your Boyfriend See You Without Makeup, It Is Not Real Love

Before spending the night at my boyfriend's apartment for the first time, I wondered how other girls felt about this important milestone. To my surprise, after a quick Google search, I found that many were concerned about one thing: how to ensure that their new partner never sees them without makeup. I was taken aback that this was such a hot topic. After all, if you can't be yourself with your partner and let them see you without makeup, then it's not true love.

1. Most Guys Adore A Make-Up Free Face

My boyfriend's preference for the natural look got me thinking about why women obsess over covering up their faces with makeup.

2. You're Hiding A Deeper Insecurity

Why do you think it's necessary to hide your bare face from your boyfriend? It seems like you're not just insecure about your appearance, but about other aspects of yourself as well. Perhaps you're feeling anxious about this new relationship and unsure if it will work out due to mixed signals, or maybe it's better to focus on being single and working on self-confidence before entering a new relationship.

3. You Don't Need To Make Life So Hard

Beginning a new relationship entails combining your life with another person's, and considering your schedules, there doesn't seem to be any room to worry about whether or not you're wearing makeup. Obsessing over putting on your face all the time will only make your life ten times more challenging.

4. Always Wearing Makeup Just Isn't Practical

If I made a habit of waking up before my boyfriend every day just to put on a full face of makeup and then go back to bed, it would be quite bizarre. Eventually, he would likely notice and ask me why I was doing that. It's unnecessary and unrealistic to always wear makeup, and that's perfectly fine. If someone can't accept you without it, then they're not the right person for you.

5. You Should Always Feel Comfortable With The Person You Claim to Love

Are you sure that your concern about your appearance is the only issue in your relationship? It doesn't seem like a healthy dynamic if you're constantly preoccupied with your looks. It might be worth examining if there are other underlying issues that need to be addressed.

6. He's Not Always Going To Look Perfect Either

Perhaps you're experiencing a breakout and feel self-conscious about your skin, which is a valid concern. However, it's important to remember that your boyfriend isn't perfect all the time either, so he's not going to expect you to be flawless either. You're both human, not perfect works of art, so embrace your natural self.

7. It Looks Way Too Obvious

It's understandable to want to look your best, especially at the start of a relationship, but as things progress and become more stable, you don't need to put in as much effort. Plus, wearing too much makeup can be obvious and unappealing. The most attractive look is often a natural one, so why not embrace going bare-faced most of the time?

8. Wearing Too Many Products Isn't That Great For You

Not only does your boyfriend not care if you wear makeup or not, but there's also the fact that constantly wearing heavy makeup can actually harm your skin. In fact, it could even cause more breakouts than the ones you're trying to hide. Going makeup-free when you're with your boyfriend isn't just good for your self-esteem, but it's also beneficial for your skin's health.

9. Makeup Should Be The Last Thing On Your Mind

When I wake up next to the man I adore on a Saturday morning, a solitary pimple or lack of blush doesn't worry me. Instead, I count my blessings for being with such an incredible partner and relish our valuable time together. This is how it should be - if you prioritize your makeup over your relationship, it may be time to evaluate your romantic goals. Personally, I'll continue to cherish my bare-faced mornings and trust that it will serve me well.