
One Of The Most Unsettling True Crime Documentaries Ever Is Now On Netflix

One Of The Most Unsettling True Crime Documentaries Ever Is Now On Netflix

Netflix has just launched a new true crime documentary, which was executive-produced by none other than Louis Theroux.

However, viewers warn that it is among 'the most frightening' they have ever witnessed.

The documentary, directed by Nick August-Perna, known for his work with The Swell Season, examines the contentious case against Anna Stubblefield.

Stubblefield was a philosophy professor whose connection led to a criminal conviction, making this narrative more riveting and powerful.


In 2009, Stubblefield, at 41, met Derrick Johnson.

Derrick was a 30-year-old nonverbal man with cerebral palsy, and they met through his brother, John Johnson.

John was enrolled in one of Stubblefield's classes at Rutgers University, in Newark, New Jersey.

He addressed his professor about his brother's situation, asking guidance and aid.

According to a 2015 piece in The Times, both of Stubblefield's parents earned Ph.Ds in special education and had spent their lives working extensively with persons with impairments.


Stubblefield appears to have followed in her parents' footsteps by offering to assist Derrick improve his communication abilities.

This help prompted Derrick to enroll in a university course.

Stubblefield, who was married at the time, claims that she and Derrick had a consensual sexual relationship.

Daisy Johnson, Derrick's mother, has a totally different perspective.

One Of The Most Unsettling True Crime Documentaries Ever Is Now On Netflix
One Of The Most Unsettling True Crime Documentaries Ever Is Now On Netflix

She claims her kid was unable of engaging in physical or emotional closeness.

This disagreement is central to the documentary, which follows Stubblefield and Derrick's friendship as well as the events leading up to a criminal trial and, finally, a felony conviction.

If this has aroused your curiosity, you may see the trailer for the documentary, Tell Them You Love Me.

Netflix described the documentary as'scandalous', exploring 'the unusual relationship between a professor and a nonverbal guy that leads to a trial over racism, disability, and power'.


Stubblefield first pled not guilty to the accusations filed against her. However, in 2016, she was found guilty of aggravated sexual assault and sentenced to 12 years in jail.

In 2017, an appeals court reversed her conviction and ordered a retrial.

The next year, Stubblefield pled guilty to 'third-degree aggravated criminal sexual intercourse,' while she maintains in the documentary that she was 'not guilty of a crime'.

One Of The Most Unsettling True Crime Documentaries Ever Is Now On Netflix
One Of The Most Unsettling True Crime Documentaries Ever Is Now On Netflix

Since this Theroux-produced real crime documentary premiered on Netflix, people have been quite loud on social media.

"Tell Them You Love Me might be one of the most unsettling documentaries I've ever watched on Netflix," calling it 'insane'."

Another viewer commented: "Just watched Tell Them You Love Me, and I really want to have a conversation about it. I'm so conflicted because I can see both ends of the spectrum."


A third person expressed that the documentary made them feel 'very uncomfortable', and someone else added, "Tell Them You Love Me has to be one of the most disturbing documentaries on Netflix."

This new movie has undoubtedly caused a lot of conversation and controversy, making it a must-see for lovers of real crime films searching for something thought-provoking and disturbing.