
Mom Faces Backlash Over 'Spectacular' Makeover Of Daughter's Room

Mom Faces Backlash Over 'Spectacular' Makeover Of Daughter's Room

Snowenne, a mom who runs a famous TikTok account called Snowenne Cleans, shares helpful advice on cleaning rooms and other parts of the house. She's really good at organizing things and can transform even the messiest rooms, like her daughter's. However, some people had different opinions when she shared it on her TikTok page.

Mom Faces Backlash Over 'Spectacular' Makeover Of Daughter's Room

Inspiration for Cleaning Your Room

The anonymous mother of two, who wears a mysterious mask, has gained over 180,000 followers on TikTok and proudly calls herself a "cleaning motivator." Her page is all about sharing enjoyable and entertaining cleaning videos, where she offers fantastic tips for organizing homes. In June 2023, she uploaded a set of before and after videos featuring a bedroom, once again demonstrating her impressive skills. As a delightful surprise for her daughter's return from a trip, she even added some fresh paint to brighten up the room. The after video revealed a truly breathtaking transformation, worthy of being featured on a magazine cover.

Mom Faces Backlash Over 'Spectacular' Makeover Of Daughter's Room

An Array Of Feedback

As some followers expressed worries about the daughter's well-being, others promptly highlighted the possibility of her being spoiled.

One user shared their concern, saying, "Seriously, is she okay? Is everything okay at school? I've seen a lot of bedrooms get like this with kids who are struggling with something."

On the other hand, different individuals commented, "Not in a million years would my mum let my bedroom get in that state in the first place." And "This child is very spoiled. She should learn in time to keep her room clean, unless you still want to clean up after her at 18."


So…its that time again. Time to clean my daughters messy room #cleantok #daughtersroom #messyroomcheck #daughtersmessyroom #whysomessy @Snowenne | Cleaning Motivator @Snowenne | Cleaning Motivator

♬ Seven Nation Army - 苏七岁

A user highlighted the fact that failing to clean up after oneself is inconsiderate. Stating, "I've had so much 'dirty' roommate drama. I hate it when parents don't teach their children to clean up!" Meanwhile, another user was confused by the situation. She said, "I really don't understand why you clean it. Neither how you let it go so far."

Empathizing with the Girl

In contrast, others empathized, disclosing, "I would have loved and needed this help with my room as a teenager with undiagnosed ADHD and Autism. My room was always a mess." And "your daughter's definitely an artistic personality, I hope she is also ok mentally. I know the struggle …"

Snowenne Cleans openly addressed those who didn't comprehend the situation, responding with comments such as: "She knows how, but she struggles with it. I only do it when it gets bad like this because she gets too overwhelmed by it." "I will always be there for my kids no matter the age." And "She was so tired from her trip and was so happy to know she could just relax."

Mom Faces Backlash Over 'Spectacular' Makeover Of Daughter's Room
Mom Faces Backlash Over 'Spectacular' Makeover Of Daughter's Room

Inhibitors of Cleaning Your Room

In summary, this caring mother received a wide range of reactions and responses. The numerous people who shared their own experiences indicate that she is not alone in facing the challenge of getting children to tidy their rooms. Keeping this in mind, are there strategies parents can employ to motivate kids to clean their rooms? Is there a connection between disorders such as anxiety, depression, or autism and untidy rooms, or is it primarily a matter of negligence?

Cleaning Your Room Creates Serenity

According to Jane Timmons-Mitchell of Psychology Today, "Teaching children to organize their possessions is a parenting skill; like many others, sometimes parents need to learn the skill themselves before they can aid their children."

Additionally, she mentions the advice of Japanese organization consultant Marie Kondo, who suggests letting go of possessions that don't bring joy. In such cases, families need to collaborate to maintain a clean home. On the other hand, if children aren't taught the importance of tidying up after themselves, they may develop a dependency on others to do the work for them. Moreover, they miss out on the gratification, sense of accomplishment, and the valuable lessons of taking responsibility for their own belongings.

Conditions to Look Out For

Growing up comes with its own set of challenges that people often forget about. Childhood and adolescence can be complicated, and conditions like depression, anxiety, developmental delays, hoarding, ADD, and ADHD can significantly hinder the ability to keep a clean room. In such cases, the most crucial aspect for a parent is to be attentive to their child's needs. This involves recognizing the signs of teenage depression, understanding how their brains affect their focus on tasks, and being a supportive ally. Sometimes, being supportive may include assisting them in cleaning their room, just like this caring mother and TikTok user.

Tips to Encourage Kids

Conversely, there are instances when children simply exhibit laziness or lack of motivation. Fortunately, there are a few remedies available to encourage kids to tidy up their rooms.

Start Early

Right from the start, establish good habits by saying things like, "I'm throwing away your empty formula container," or "We have to put your dirty onesie in the laundry hamper." This way, children learn early on that these small tasks are a part of their routine.

Cleaning Your Room

The outdated cliché of "Do as I say, not as I do" no longer holds true. We now recognize that children learn most effectively by observing and imitating behavior. Therefore, if you want your kids to keep their rooms tidy, it is essential for you to actively clean your own room as well.

Be Realistic

Maintaining realistic expectations that align with your children's age can aid in teaching them valuable habits such as cleaning up after themselves. For instance, it's important to recognize that a toddler isn't capable of scrubbing a bathtub, nor should they be exposed to harsh chemicals that may harm their skin. However, they can contribute by assisting in loading spoons into the dishwasher.

Don't Use Cleaning for Punishment

Children are more inclined to engage in cleaning activities if they find them enjoyable. Incorporating elements like dancing, singing, or storytelling while cleaning can make the time pass more quickly and help kids stay focused. However, it's important to note that this tip may not be suitable for children with ADHD or similar conditions, as it could potentially have an adverse effect.

Allow Them to Choose

By providing children with choices regarding which chores they will undertake, they will feel less resentful about always being assigned the same tasks repeatedly, while also being compelled to do chores they dislike.

Finding the motivation to clean up can be challenging for many individuals. Children, in particular, are still in the process of learning and need guidance to develop good hygiene practices and healthy habits.