
MMA Fighter Dies At 33 From Eating Bad Watermelon

MMA Fighter Dies At 33 From Eating Bad Watermelon

The mixed martial arts community is reeling from the unexpected and heartbreaking loss of MMA fighter Alexander Pisarev, who passed away at the young age of 33.

The details surrounding the untimely death of this brave Russian athlete have left many in utter shock.

The devastating incident came to light when Pisarev's father found him unresponsive in their apartment in Moscow, according to The Sun US.

Pisarev had previously carved out a respectable MMA career with a record of 3 victories and 2 defeats.

This sudden end to a promising journey has sent shockwaves throughout the MMA world.

A source from Pisarev's Tomahawk squad provided some insights into the tragic event.

Speaking to the Russian news outlet TASS, they said: "Alexander Pisarev died in his sleep and did not have any chronic health problems."

"According to preliminary data, death was the result of food poisoning."

The gossip circuits are abuzz about the particular food that might have caused this unfortunate incident.

While not verified, there's widespread talk suggesting Pisarev may have ingested a toxic watermelon.

Pisarev and his wife are believed to have eaten this seemingly benign fruit, which turned out to be far from safe.

There are claims that his wife too fell ill from the suspected contamination, resulting in her hospitalization.

Yet, they had consumed other foods, making the situation even murkier.

After a stroll with the family's pet, Pisarev's dad, Igor Vladimirovich, stumbled upon the distressing scene.

He told Pravda: "I looked into the room — Alexander and his wife were sleeping."

"I came closer and then realized that my son was no longer breathing."

"There were fractures of the fingers after the last fights, but this is nothing. We all eat the same food, we live together."

MMA Fighter Dies At 33 From Eating Bad Watermelon

The heartbroken dad is in shock, saying that while his son might've had injuries from his bouts, it's hard to believe their shared meal was the culprit.

The notion of a toxic watermelon raises eyebrows, as melons aren't usually seen as dangerous.

But it's key to remember that melon surfaces can get contaminated at any point - from growth to transportation - which might result in food-related sicknesses.

And this isn't the first negative press for melons; a Salmonella incident in Norway and other cases in the UK were traced back to this fruit from specific sources.

Family members of Pisarev have consistently mentioned that he was fit and didn't have any lingering health issues.

To shed light on this baffling incident, a post-mortem examination has been scheduled.

The investigative team from the Moscow Region is diving deep into the case, keen on unravelling the mystery surrounding Pisarev's possible poisoning.

A detailed chemical analysis is underway, aiming to uncover the real cause behind this sorrowful incident.

They said: "In Balashikha, an investigation was organized into the death of an athlete as a result of poisoning."

"Investigators, with the participation of a forensic specialist, are conducting an additional inspection of the scene, confiscating items relevant to the investigation, and planning a forensic chemical examination."

Before his sudden departure, Pisarev was on a mission to reach the final round of the MMA European Championships.

He valiantly competed under the flags of Absolute Championship Berkut and Fight Nights Global, demonstrating his fierce commitment and drive in each match.

Pisarev's squad at Tomahawk shared an emotional tribute, lamenting the passing of more than just an athlete; they lost a comrade and buddy.

Their statement read: "My brother, my friend, my student! Words cannot express the extent of the loss."

"Alexander Pisarev is the standard of friendship, decency and courage of a Russian person."

"I and we will miss you!!! Rest in peace our brother."