
Matador's Final Words After Being Fatally Gored By Bull Captured On Camera

Matador's Final Words After Being Fatally Gored By Bull Captured On Camera

Spanish bullfighter Iván Fandiño Barros was married and had a daughter. He was well known for his courage to face bulls that other people thought were too hazardous.

Bullfighting is a physical competition in which a bullfighter tries to kill, paralyze, or subjugate a bull in accordance with cultural norms, laws, or other regulations.

In several nations, including the United Kingdom, Canada, Argentina, Italy, Denmark, and Cuba, the so-called "sport" is illegal.

While it's allowed in Spain, the practice is prohibited in some places.

According to Humane Society International, bullfights claim the lives of over 250,000 bulls annually. It poses a risk to individuals who participate in the competition.

Matador's Final Words After Being Fatally Gored By Bull Captured On Camera
Matador's Final Words After Being Fatally Gored By Bull Captured On Camera

In 2017, Fandiño, 36, of Orduña, Spain, passed away under similar circumstances.

When the well-known bullfighter traveled to southwest France to take part in the Aire-sur-l'Adour bullfighting festival, an event took place.

"I can't believe it," said Juan del Alamo, the matador who killed the bull afterward (via The Independent). It all happened so quickly that none of us can comprehend how it could have happened.

The Humane Society International said in a statement: "The matador's death is a tragedy but for the 1,000 bulls brutally killed in French bullfights every year, every single fight is a tragedy in which they have no chance of escaping a protracted and painful death.

"Bloodsports like this should be consigned to the history books, no one should lose their life for entertainment, human or animal."

According to The Times, Fandiño had sustained injuries twice already, so this wasn't his first time in the ring.

Matador's Final Words After Being Fatally Gored By Bull Captured On Camera
Matador's Final Words After Being Fatally Gored By Bull Captured On Camera

Fandiño tragically fell on his cloak during the bullfighting festival. He got caught up and fell to the ground.

Shortly after, the severely injured bull stomped the 36-year-old and proceeded to scald him with its horns.

Witnesses gasped in shock as the furious beast flung Fandiño upward. When the matador came to rest on the ground, the bull drove its horn deep into his chest.

According to France 24, Fandiño had a lung puncture.

According to reports, the matador's heart stopped in the ambulance, and when he got to the hospital, the physicians were helpless to save his life.

Matador's Final Words After Being Fatally Gored By Bull Captured On Camera
Matador's Final Words After Being Fatally Gored By Bull Captured On Camera

The 36-year-old reportedly urged rescuers to assist in moving him in his last moments.

He is thought to have said, "Hurry up, I'm dying," in his last words.

Fandiño passed away exactly a year after matador Victor Barrio Hernanz, 29, was gored by a bull weighing an estimated 83 stones.

Despite being taken to a neighboring hospital, the bullfighter went unconscious and the medics could not revive him.

The terrible murder of Barrio was shown live on television, reigniting the contentious discussion surrounding the contentious "sport."