Man Bullies Woman With Down Syndrome At Disney World, Receives Beating And Gets Arrested

Man Bullies Woman With Down Syndrome At Disney World, Receives Beating And Gets Arrested

Disney is often hailed as a place of sheer joy. Yet, anyone who's strolled through its gates knows it's not all sunshine and rainbows. Still, there are moments of genuine delight to be found.

However, these moments can be overshadowed when people behave poorly, as was the case when a man from Florida crossed the line with a woman who has Down syndrome, resulting in a heap of trouble for him.

Man Bullies Woman With Down Syndrome At Disney World, Receives Beating And Gets Arrested
Auto Draft

Brent George, aged 61, now finds himself in custody, facing serious charges of battery. The incident unfolded at the Bellevue Lounge, nestled within Disney's Boardwalk Inn.

Eyewitnesses recount that Brent approached a table occupied by a woman in a wheelchair, who has not been named by the Sheriff's office, and proceeded to mock her.

Prior to the altercation, Brent and his companions had been enjoying drinks at the bar. However, things took a drastic turn when Brent's actions provoked a confrontation.


Upon police arrival, Brent exhibited facial bruises and open wounds, attributing them to being struck with a glass during the altercation.

He further claimed difficulty recalling the events preceding the confrontation because he drank three shots of bourbon and beer prior to the incident.

To the best of his recollection, he believed he was enjoying himself with the individuals at the neighboring table before the situation took a hostile turn.

Man Bullies Woman With Down Syndrome At Disney World, Receives Beating And Gets Arrested
Auto Draft

In contrast, the family involved paints a different picture. They allege that Brent specifically targeted the woman with Down syndrome, mocking her sounds until tensions boiled over.

When Cadence Goldberg, the mother, stood up for her daughter and questioned Brent's actions, tensions escalated. Brent pushed her twice, prompting his wife to intervene. He then struck Cadence, leading to a physical altercation involving Wesley.


Punches were exchanged, some landing on Brent's face, until another person intervened to restrain him.

Brent was put in cuffs, arrested, and released on a $4000 bond posted by his wife the following day. He maintains his innocence and pleads not guilty to all charges, though the outcome remains uncertain.