
Leading British Adult Star Shares The Ideal Duration A Man Should Last In Bed

Leading British Adult Star Shares The Ideal Duration A Man Should Last In Bed

One of the top-earning adult film stars has shared her opinion on the ideal duration for a man to last in bed, and her response may be unexpected.

There's a prevalent belief that for sex to be fulfilling, it needs to extend for hours, and popular culture often ridicules those whose sexual encounters are brief.

Yet, Belle Olivia, among the UK's top earners on OnlyFans, suggests that lengthy sessions aren't necessary.


On a recent episode of the Rebel Devil Podcast, which she appeared on with fellow content creator Sophia Isabella, the Manchester-based adult star disclosed her view on the perfect duration for sexual intercourse.

Leading British Adult Star Shares The Ideal Duration A Man Should Last In Bed
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Host Jordan Smith inquired about the 'perfect length' of sex, to which Belle responded that an ideal session should span '10 to 15 minutes'.

"Any longer and I'm like obliterated," she added, while Sophia described overly lengthy sex as 'boring'.

It's important to mention that Belle specified she was talking about 'penetration only' when discussing the 10 to 15 minutes timeframe. The 21-year-old emphasized the importance of a lead-up to the main event.


"It needs the build up, then it needs the foreplay, then the sex," she elaborated, noting, "You need to have the whole experience."

Belle's perspective on how long sex should last aligns with findings from research done by sex therapists for Pennsylvania State University in the United States. This study found that intercourse durations between three and seven minutes were seen as 'desirable' by participants, while durations ranging from 10 to 30 minutes were considered 'too long'.


The study also highlighted how popular culture negatively influences perceptions of sex, stating: "Unfortunately, today's popular culture has reinforced stereotypes about sexual activity.

"Many men and women seem to believe the fantasy model of large penises, rock-hard erections and all-night-long intercourse."

Leading British Adult Star Shares The Ideal Duration A Man Should Last In Bed
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Just a bit of reassurance if you needed it.

The ideal duration of sexual intercourse isn't the only topic on which Belle has recently voiced her candid opinions. The OnlyFans star has also discussed her views on the perfect penis size for men.

"No girl wants to end up not being able to walk every day just because they've had sex," she commented in an interview with The Daily Star, noting that she believes the ideal length is 6.5 inches.


"We also don't want them too girthy. It doesn't hurt and it is seems to be the perfect fit. That's also what we want from our boyfriends, by the way."