
Jonah Hill Officially Adopts A New Last Name

Jonah Hill Officially Adopts A New Last Name

The star of The Wolf of Wall Street has officially altered his last name through legal means.

Since beginning his acting career in 2004, 39-year-old Jonah Hill has been utilizing a stage name.

It's a common practice among celebrities, with some A-listers opting for unique monikers that bear little resemblance to their real names.

This holds particularly true for pop legend Elton John, originally Reginald Kenneth Dwight, and Queen star Freddie Mercury, originally Farrokh Bulsara.

On the other hand, others, such as Breaking Bad actor Aaron Paul, also known as Aaron Paul Sturtevant, choose more straightforward alterations.

Hill has never publicly discussed the choice to adopt a stage name.

In response to a question from The Guardian, he allegedly paused for a few moments before saying, "Can we just not? Just… don't."

The Oscar nominee has formally transitioned his legal name to match his stage name, Jonah Hill.

Sharing thoughts on Facebook, a fan comments: "I could never imagine telling my family that I'm renouncing my family name, and adopting a different or new one."

"I respect everyone's choice to choose whatever name they want, but just because something 'is' doesn't mean it is what 'ought' to be."

"There's a difference."

Another adds: "Never knew he or Aaron Paul had different last names. Good on them for finally making it legal."

A third says: "He's not the first celeb to change his name people…"

"He's just dropping part of his name. So many people do this."

"Why do we care so much about what these people do?"

Jonah Hill Officially Adopts A New Last Name
Jonah Hill Officially Adopts A New Last Name

Hill's legal name originally included the surname Feldstein at the end.

According to TMZ, the actor has recently filed a petition to remove 'Feldstein' from his legal name, aiming to be officially recognized by his stage name, Jonah Hill.

The Blast has acquired legal documents confirming that Hill's petition has been approved.

It reads: "The petition is granted. Once the proposed decree is signed, it cannot be amended without a new petition to change name."

According to the outlet, Hill was not required to make a court appearance for the approval of the change.

Devoted followers of the actor might have been aware of his hidden surname, especially considering his younger sister, Beanie Feldstein, is a successful actress in her own right.

Renowned for her lead performances in Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising, Lady Bird, and Booksmart, the 29-year-old actress secured a Golden Globe nomination for the latter.

In addition to the name change, Hill declared earlier this year that he would no longer engage in promoting the films he features in, citing a string of anxiety attacks.

He reached this decision around the launch of his critically acclaimed Netflix documentary, Stutz.

The actor explains: "Through this journey of self-discovery within the film, I have come to the understanding that I have spent nearly 20 years experiencing anxiety attacks, which are exacerbated by media appearances and public-facing events."

"You won't see me out there promoting this film, or any of my upcoming films, while I take this important step to protect myself."

"If I made myself sicker by going out there and promoting it, I wouldn't be acting true to myself or to the film."