
How To Be A Player: A Guide For The Modern Day Casanova

How To Be A Player: A Guide For The Modern Day Casanova

If you want to learn how to be a player, follow our leads, and you'll get all the information you need!

You're probably wondering what it takes to be a successful seducer? There's no universal answer to this question, but the vast majority of successful seducers stick to the habits that we'll discuss.

Most likely, you met a guy who can get any person he wants, and you've probably wondered, "how does he do it?"


In most cases, people are attracted to power and status. But we all know that guys who are not rich, powerful, strong, or don't have the looks of the Adonis, yet manage to get the people they want.

Of course, it's not enough to just read. Try to remember them, and use them until they become a routine part of your seductive character.

Take initiative

If you are persistent, be assured that that persistence will pay off in the end. Set yourself goals, determine that you'll approach a certain number of people you like during the weekend.


Although some will reject you, others will undoubtedly be interested in something more.

The important thing is that you never give up, and even if they all reject you, don't give up but move on.

Always think that even though you have approached a large number of people, there's a possibility that the next one will be the right one. Remember, persistence pays off.

Build your character

You probably know that people can be unpleasant when they don't want to have anything to do with you.


However, rejection isn't a reason to give up seduction or to decrease your self-confidence to zero. Stay calm, full of confidence, and don't get out of balance. You have to be aware that rejection is a part of the game, and you shouldn't see it as a tragedy.

Be confident in yourself and move on because there are many other people just waiting for someone to approach them.


How to be a player? Adapt!

When trying to seduce, there are almost always situations that you didn't assume. Especially when you're on "terrain" that you're not familiar with, and in such situations, it is essential to adapt quickly.

Some are born with it, but that doesn't mean that others can't learn it.

Of course, it will take a little more training, but over time, adapting to unplanned situations will become easy and without too much thinking. That is exactly what it means to be a player.


Learn from your own mistakes

It's known that intelligent people learn from other people's mistakes, but sometimes you learn the most when you make mistakes yourself, which will happen for sure.

It's not a problem if you make a mistake with your approach to people you like. The real problem is if you don't learn anything from that situation.


Try to recognize the mistakes and work on them, because you'll make fewer mistakes over time, and when you make fewer mistakes with people you like, you'll learn how to be a player.

The practice is the key to success

Becoming a perfect player takes practice. You can't become good at anything if you haven't practiced and repeated it until you made it to perfection.


The successful player achieves his mastery through many successful attempts to seduce people he likes.

He made that game seduction as part of himself, and he doesn't have to think about it anymore.

Like with everything in life, practice your skills to become a master player.


Choose your friends wisely

It's essential, both in life and in seduction, that cheerful and optimistic people surround you. It will leave a stronger impression on the people you like and want to seduce.

Surround yourself with a company that will support you when you want to approach the person you like. Encouraging friends can be such a boost to your ego in moments when you ask yourself how to be a player.


A good player always has his wingman or wing woman, a person of trust, who will help them get to their interest. And the genuinely dedicated guys know how to return a favor.

So, in order to master the skill of how to be a player, you mustn't be selfish!

Essentially, your success with seducing people might be higher if you have a team, a group of trusted friends. They won't have a problem making themselves look like fools to make you look better.


It sounds weird, but the general feeling is that we need friends because they can turn any good situation into an even better one.

Dress for success

You don't need Armani suits or the latest fashion trends, but you do need to look like you know what you're doing. Dress up, make sure that your footwear is always clean, and your hair is neat.


To spice thing up, find a perfume which will be your signature scent, and never leave the house looking like a slob. Because a dedicated player knows that the game doesn't stop, and that winning attitude, superficial charm, or whatever you want to call it, is what will make you stand out.

When you pay attention to the details regarding your looks, people think that you're detail-oriented. Additionally, you may seem sharper and might even be perceived as a good listener.


Sometimes the clothes do make the man!

How to be a player? Think like one

Why do you want to be a player? What's the goal? When you present yourself a strong case of pros, you'll find that accepting these tips is not hard.

And then you have to create a player's mindset, that will fit your goals. Of course, if you merely want to add more notches to your belt, you can always get a hookup app. If you think you deserve more, well, you have to invest and believe in yourself.


Becoming someone who always gets what they want is amusing, as long as you know that a firm player is a gentleman.

Instead of bragging about your conquests, focus on what you get out of it. And then, slowly move from learning how to be a player into developing stronger connections.

Since it's essentially a game, you'll get tired and want to move on to something else. But if you're reputation is tarnished, you'll be nothing more than a cheap prostitute. Or even worse – a frat boy personified!


Your goal isn't to become a f**k boy. It's to know how to seduce, and leave them wanting more! Like a genuine modern-day Casanova!