
How Often Should You See Someone You're Casually Dating?

How Often Should You See Someone You're Casually Dating?

If you are casually dating someone and have not formally defined the relationship, it can be difficult to determine the appropriate frequency of communication and contact. On one hand, you may worry about seeing the person too often and appearing too invested in the relationship, while on the other hand, you may worry about not seeing them enough and losing the connection. It can be helpful to establish some guidelines or boundaries to ensure that both partners feel comfortable and satisfied with the frequency of communication and contact in a casual dating relationship.


1. Aim for once or twice a week

One general dating guideline suggests that seeing each other at least once a week can help maintain a connection and make time for one another. Some people may find it more effective to meet twice a week in the beginning stages of a relationship to take advantage of the excitement of getting to know each other. On the other hand, waiting longer than a week between meetings can potentially cause a loss of momentum and make it difficult to enjoy quality time together.


2. Increase the number of dates if you connect

It is important to remember that a once-a-week date schedule should not be maintained indefinitely. This can lead to a loss of momentum in the relationship. As you and your partner connect and the relationship progresses, it may be necessary to increase the frequency of dates. If the relationship becomes more serious, it may also be appropriate to discuss the "define the relationship" (DTR) conversation and reevaluate the nature of your relationship, which may involve more regular dates.


3. Think about what you want

It is important to be clear about your intentions in a casual dating relationship, as this can help determine the appropriate frequency of communication and contact. If you and your partner are content with keeping things casual and relaxed, with no expectations for the future, it may be suitable to see each other once a week or even once every two weeks. However, if both parties are interested in exploring the potential for a more committed relationship, it may be helpful to schedule regular meetings at least once a week to help move the relationship forward.


4. Focus on your specific situation

The frequency of your meetings with a partner may depend on your individual circumstances. For example, if you live in different locations and only see each other when one person travels, you may not have the opportunity to meet on a weekly basis. It is important to consider the specifics of your dating setup and use that as a guide for determining the appropriate frequency of communication and contact.


5. Avoid jumping in too fast

Casual dating can be confusing because even though it's supposed to be relaxed, if you really like the person, you may end up acting like you're in a serious relationship because you're "casual." This can lead to heartbreak if the other person doesn't feel the same way. It's important to keep a balance by only seeing the person once a week and leaving room in your schedule for other things, rather than making them the main focus of your life if you're not in a committed relationship.


6. Give yourself time if you're new to this

If you're used to being in serious relationships but are trying casual dating for a change, it's important to make sure you have plenty of time to explore and figure out how you feel about this type of relationship. By keeping things casual, you can also avoid investing a lot of time and energy into someone who doesn't want a more serious relationship.


7. Other reasons why one date a week is good

Limiting your time together to once a week can help you keep things casual and allow you to see if you're interested in a more serious relationship. It can also help you avoid getting too invested too quickly and losing yourself in the relationship. Remember to take your time and enjoy the process.

8. But, find your own dating stride

There's no one-size-fits-all rule for how often you should see someone you're casually dating. It's important to find a balance that works for both of you and feels comfortable. Some people may be happy seeing each other several times a week, while others may prefer a more relaxed schedule. It's important to communicate with your partner and figure out what works best for both of you. Ultimately, it's about finding your own stride and what feels good for you.


Tips For Making Casual Dating Work For You


Here is a revised version of the phrase: "To avoid misunderstandings and drama while casually dating someone, it's important to make sure that you are both on the same page. Follow these tips to ensure that both you and your partner are satisfied.

1. Explain what you want

To have a successful casual relationship, it's important to communicate about your expectations and goals. Are you looking for a wedding date, a casual friend, or something sexual? Open and honest communication is crucial for ensuring that both parties are satisfied in the relationship.


2. Check in with each other

It's a good idea to check in with each other periodically to assess the status of the relationship. You can do this informally, for example by asking your partner, "How are you feeling about this and are you having a good time?" This gives both of you an opportunity to address any potential problems that may come up, such as if one person wants to become exclusive or move the relationship to a more serious level.


3. Don't fall into it when it's not right

If you're hesitant about casual dating or if it's not something you're interested in, it may not be the right choice for you and you could end up getting hurt. Similarly, if you desire a lot of communication and frequent in-person interactions, casual dating may not be able to meet your needs. It's important to be honest with yourself and make sure that your actions align with your desires before embarking on a casual relationship.
