Gay Teacher Perfectly Shuts Down Homophobic Mom Who Pulled Her Kids From His Classes

Gay Teacher Perfectly Shuts Down Homophobic Mom Who Pulled Her Kids From His Classes

A drama teacher "killed" one homophobic mom with kindness and we are loving it!

Michael Neri is a drama teacher from Kidderminster, England. He runs Talking Props Theatre School, a performing arts school for children between ages 8 to 13.

Gay Teacher Perfectly Shuts Down Homophobic Mom Who Pulled Her Kids From His Classes
gay teacher perfectly shuts down homophobic mom who pulled her kids from his classes

Instead of teaching children about equality and acceptance, one mom decided to pull her kids from the teacher's classes.

The LGBTQ Community Is Bigger, Louder, And Stronger

Gay Teacher Perfectly Shuts Down Homophobic Mom Who Pulled Her Kids From His Classes
gay teacher perfectly shuts down homophobic mom who pulled her kids from his classes

While we are not saying that there's still a lot of work left to be done, it's quite clear that the LGBTQ+ community is getting more support.

With numerous barriers going down, it's easier for people to come out and live their lives.

Gay Teacher Perfectly Shuts Down Homophobic Mom Who Pulled Her Kids From His Classes
gay teacher perfectly shuts down homophobic mom who pulled her kids from his classes

Yet, even the most advanced countries still struggle with discrimination, and it goes from cyber-bullying to actual physical violence.

Gay Teacher Perfectly Shuts Down Homophobic Mom Who Pulled Her Kids From His Classes
gay teacher perfectly shuts down homophobic mom who pulled her kids from his classes

We want to believe that even those committing hate crimes know that that's not the solution. So what is?

Education Is The Key

Gay Teacher Perfectly Shuts Down Homophobic Mom Who Pulled Her Kids From His Classes
gay teacher perfectly shuts down homophobic mom who pulled her kids from his classes

It's not far-fetched to say that most of those who commit bullying or any other kind of hate crime against the LGBT population act out of ignorance.

Gay Teacher Perfectly Shuts Down Homophobic Mom Who Pulled Her Kids From His Classes
gay teacher perfectly shuts down homophobic mom who pulled her kids from his classes

Instead of forcing people to change their views, we need to help them understand that a lot of what they were taught is not just outdated. It's plain wrong, harmful, and dangerous.

Gay Teacher Perfectly Shuts Down Homophobic Mom Who Pulled Her Kids From His Classes
gay teacher perfectly shuts down homophobic mom who pulled her kids from his classes

We generally thought that Millenials would accept diversity in any society, but this one mom proved to us that there's still a lot to be done.

Messages Between A Homophobic Mom And A Gay Teacher

Gay Teacher Perfectly Shuts Down Homophobic Mom Who Pulled Her Kids From His Classes
gay teacher perfectly shuts down homophobic mom who pulled her kids from his classes

Kudos to the drama teacher for standing up and defending not just LGBT community but common sense as a whole.

Gay Teacher Perfectly Shuts Down Homophobic Mom Who Pulled Her Kids From His Classes
gay teacher perfectly shuts down homophobic mom who pulled her kids from his classes

Neri's response is the whole truth and nothing but. And just to think: one of her children might be gay. Imagine their pain. Scary!

Gay Teacher Perfectly Shuts Down Homophobic Mom Who Pulled Her Kids From His Classes
gay teacher perfectly shuts down homophobic mom who pulled her kids from his classes