
Dilemma: How Many Bottles Of Water Should I Drink A Day?

Dilemma: How Many Bottles Of Water Should I Drink A Day?

Just like with everything else, how many bottles of water should one drink a day is individual. Some studies suggest exact amounts, but water intake depends on numerous factors.

According to the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, you need:

11.5 cups (2.7 liters) a day for women

15.5 cups (3.7 liters) a day for men

Many health experts suggest you stick to the 8*8 rule. It means drinking eight 8-ounce glasses or roughly four bottles per day per person.

But these studies are too general, so let's take various circumstances that will help you answer how much water you need per day.

What are the health benefits of water?

Dilemma: How Many Bottles Of Water Should I Drink A Day?
how many bottles of water should i drink a day, and why i need to stay hydrated?

Your body depends on water to survive. We all know that our bodies are around 60-70 percent water. Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body needs water to work correctly.

Water protects sensitive tissues, regulates body temperature, gets rid of waste, among other things. So, clearly, the water's essential. The lack can lead to dehydration, and even in mild cases, it drains your energy and makes you feel tired.

Water intake according to your needs

Dilemma: How Many Bottles Of Water Should I Drink A Day?
how many bottles of water should i drink a day, and why i need to stay hydrated?

If you're exercising or live in a hot or humid area, you'll need more water.

When exercising, you need to have a bottle with you and drink a few sips before, during, and after your workout.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you need extra fluids.

And of course, when you're not feeling your best, taking more water will help. Your body loses fluids when you have a fever, vomiting, or diarrhea, so you need to up your intake.

Certain medical conditions like low blood pressure or diabetes also add to your daily water intake.

Water doesn't have to come from a bottle

Dilemma: How Many Bottles Of Water Should I Drink A Day?
how many bottles of water should i drink a day?

Apart from drinking water, the hydration level depends on what you eat, and as we said, how and where you live.

Many fruits and vegetables, such as watermelons, are almost 100% water by weight.

Drinks, such as milk, juice, and herbal teas, are made mainly of water. Even caffeinated drinks like coffee and soda can contribute to your daily water intake.

However, sugar-sweetened drinks, including alcoholic beverages, will not satisfy your thirst due to all the sugar. And since we know sugar is bad, it's always best to drink freshly squeezed juices or have a glass of refreshing cucumber water.

Is it possible to drink too much water?

Dilemma: How Many Bottles Of Water Should I Drink A Day?
how many bottles of water should i drink a day, and why i need to stay hydrated?

While it's not something that happens every day, you may find yourself over drinking water.

Overhydration or water toxicity leads to hyponatremia, decrease in serum sodium concentration. So, how do you prevent this condition?

Thirst and the color of your urine are the proper indications of how much water your body needs. The best way not to overhydrate or suffer dehydration is to have a fluid intake routine.

If you're not thirsty, your mouth isn't dry, and your urine is pale yellow, you are possibly getting enough water.

Keep in mind that excessive vomiting, certain medications, diarrhea, heart or kidney problems may also cause hyponatremia.

Indicators of Dehydration

Dilemma: How Many Bottles Of Water Should I Drink A Day?
how many bottles of water should i drink a day, and why i need to stay hydrated?

Obviously, thirst is the first sign that your body is not getting enough water.

But, things can get much more complicated if you do not recognize it.

There are several stages your body goes through if it is dehydrated.

The first one is dry mouth. The second happens when eyes stop making tears.

Then, sweating might stop, and you start feeling muscle cramps.

Nausea and vomiting, followed by lightheadedness and weakness, are clear signs that your body is struggling with dehydration.

If you're suffering from dehydration, your skin will start to feel itchy. You'll notice the change in texture, and you'll need to take extra care to revive it.

To rehydrate, you need clear fluids in small portions, from water, clear broths, frozen water, or ice pops, to sports drinks. Some dehydration patients require intravenous fluids to rehydrate.

How to increase water intake?

Dilemma: How Many Bottles Of Water Should I Drink A Day?
how many bottles of water should i drink a day, and why i need to stay hydrated?

You can rely on your phone to help you if you always forget to take a sip of water. Just download an app that will remind you that it's water time.

By the time you are really thirsty, your body is already dehydrated, so having a reminder will help you with the proper water intake.

If you aren't a fan of clear water, add a slice of lime or lemon. It will make it tastier, and so will certain foods. More celery, tomatoes, or melons will increase your fluid, therefore, overall water intake.

Carry a bottle of water with you wherever you go. Keep your hydration levels while you're out and about, especially in a warm or humid climate.

Order water with your meal, or have a glass if you're eating at home or in your office.

If you're drinking too much caffeine, you should drink more water. Caffeine, like alcohol, is a diuretic.

If possible, switch to non-caffeinated beverages. We don't have to tell you how alcohol destroys your body and mind.

How many water bottles should I drink a day, and how many cups of water I need?

Dilemma: How Many Bottles Of Water Should I Drink A Day?
how many bottles of water should i drink a day?

You should drink a minimum of 8–10 cups per day (1 cup = 8 oz.) But, when we're talking about water, we're actually talking about all fluids you take during the day.

If your question is how many 16.9 oz water bottles should you drink a day, the answer's 6-8.

It's not strict, and it depends on how you're spending your day. If you're active, it means more, and if not, then drink when your body tells you so.

If you want to lose weight, drink more water before your meal and eat more water-rich foods, like green veggies or lemons, limes, and oranges.

Everything should be in moderation, but with water intake, it's much safer to have a bit more than to be dehydrated.

Even mild dehydration can reduce physical performance.

In conclusion, listen to your body, and take clear water and other fluids to have a body that works like a well-oiled machine. If you notice a change in your urine color, it's time to reexamine your overall intake of fluids.