
Despite All Odds Men Graduated With His Doctorate Degree In 3.67 GPA

Despite All Odds Men Graduated With His Doctorate Degree In 3.67 GPA

If you can dream it, you can achieve it! And if you do not believe in this saying, the story of Dr. Isaiah L. White, Sr. will prove you wrong.

From time to time, we get a chance to meet people who have the power to change our lives. The life account of Dr. Isaiah L. White, Sr. is not a simple story with a blissful ending.

It's about beating the odds, and overcoming things that seem impossible.


Bullying, Dyslexia, And Defining The Odds

Despite All Odds Men Graduated With His Doctorate Degree In 3.67 GPA
despite all odds men graduated with his doctorate degree in 3.67 gpa

As a boy, Dr. Isaiah L. White, Sr. was bullied and abused, and teachers didn't believe in him, often calling him names due to dyslexia.

In fact, the doctor spent most of his schooling in special education. The extraordinary journey paid off when he gained a Doctorate from Wilmington University in New Castle, Delaware.

The now-famous doctor also has a book, A Class Called Special, that goes into detail to describe everything that this man had to put up with. But his dream and his willpower beat all the obstacles.


Dreaming Of College Life

Despite All Odds Men Graduated With His Doctorate Degree In 3.67 GPA
despite all odds men graduated with his doctorate degree in 3.67 gpa

Apart from dyslexia, Dr. Isaiah struggled with other disabilities, including audio processing disorder, dyscalculia, visual impairment, and comprehension weakness.

He was frustrated and often disruptive. The doctor admits he was expelled from several schools, but he found motivation and pushed through despite all the setbacks.

Enrolling in community college and finishing it with a 2.9 GPA was quite an achievement. But then-young Isaiah wanted more.


He finished his Bachelor's degree with a 2.9 GPA and a Master's degree with a 3.0 GPA. Finally, in May 2019, he got Ph.D. with an impressive 3.67 GPA.

Inspiring And Empowering

Despite All Odds Men Graduated With His Doctorate Degree In 3.67 GPA
despite all odds men graduated with his doctorate degree in 3.67 gpa

With his doctorate degree in education, Dr. Isaiah is now on the path to help others.

He is speaking up for children who were molested, as he was between ages three and 12 and misunderstood, misfortunate, and mistreated.

That's why it is no wonder that this incredible man created programs for youth in the community. He works in Salem Community College in New Jersey as a coach for numerous teams and simultaneously as a coordinator and professor.

Despite All Odds Men Graduated With His Doctorate Degree In 3.67 GPA
despite all odds men graduated with his doctorate degree in 3.67 gpa

When he is not in Salem College, he travels and educates others, hoping to give some new kids a better future.

He is a speaker at schools, colleges, organizer of workshops, and unlike many others with the same Ph.D. title, Dr. Isaiah speaks from the experience.

Sharing His Unique Perspective

Despite All Odds Men Graduated With His Doctorate Degree In 3.67 GPA
despite all odds men graduated with his doctorate degree in 3.67 gpa

Dr. Isaiah is a well-respected author, and among his works are many children's books. He wants to teach youngsters self-care.

His other vital goal is to keep children off the streets, which he does by mentoring and coaching children who enjoy sports.

Dr. White is the prime example of doing things his way, courage, bravery, and passion. He is also a great empath and a believer that anyone can achieve their dreams as he did!
