
11 Muscle-Building Chest Workouts Anyone Can Complete At Home

11 Muscle-Building Chest Workouts Anyone Can Complete At Home

Do you want a strong, powerful chest but do not want to for out for the gym membership? Bring chest day home with these 11 chest muscle-building exercises.

The first five exercises do not require any equipment.


11 Muscle-Building Chest Workouts Anyone Can Complete At Home

Anyone who knows anything about keeping fit will stress the importance of warming up first. Not only does it avoid crippling pain the next day, but it also ensures your muscles are flexible and ready to work.

Some warm-ups to get your blood pumping:

Jumping jacks

Tuck jumps

Running on the spot

High knee running on the spot

Touching your toes

Chest Workout #1 Walkout

11 Muscle-Building Chest Workouts Anyone Can Complete At Home

This workout can be completed as a warm-up or a light chest workout. It is also good for building leg flexibility.



Which muscles does it work?

Chest (pectorals)

Shoulders (deltoids)

Stomach (abdomen)

How do I do it?

1. Start by standing up straight.

2. Bend your knees slightly and place your hands on the floor in front of you.

3. Walk your hands in front until you are in a plank position.

4. Hold for 5 seconds.

5. Walk your hands back towards your feet, bending your knees slightly.

5. Return to a standing position.

7. Repeat 10 or more times.

Chest Workout #2 Mountain Climbers

11 Muscle-Building Chest Workouts Anyone Can Complete At Home

Raise your heart rate and include some cardio in your chest workout with mountain climbers.



What do I need?

Just a bit of floor

Which muscles does it work?

Chest (pectorals)

Shoulders (deltoids)

Stomach (abdomen)

How do I do it?

1. Begin in a plank position. Place your hands on the floor, shoulder-width apart. Your legs should be straight and feet together at the back. Arms are straight.

2. Lift your left leg towards your chest.

3. Shoot it back down.

4. Lift your right leg towards your chest.

5. Shoot it back down.

6. Repeat 10 or more times.

Chest Workout #3 Incline Push-ups

11 Muscle-Building Chest Workouts Anyone Can Complete At Home

If push-ups seem a bit intimidating, build a bit of muscle first with an incline push-up.



What do I need?

Just a secure surface or any height.

What muscle does it work?

Chest (pectorals)

Shoulders (deltoids)

Back of arms (triceps)

Under armpit (serratus anterior)

How do I do it?

1. Place your hands on the surface, ensuring you have a good grip.

2. Take one big step back.

3. Begin with arms extended, feet back, and together.

4. Straighten your back.

5. Slowly lower your chest towards the surface.

6. Push your body back up.

7. Repeat 10 times.

Note: the lower the surface, the higher the difficulty. If you are really struggling, begin pushing off the wall.

Chest Workout #4 Push-up

11 Muscle-Building Chest Workouts Anyone Can Complete At Home

Once you have built a bit of muscle and confidence with the standing push-ups, try out the standard push-up.

What do I need?

Just a bit of floor



Which muscles does it work?

Chest (pectorals)

Shoulders (deltoids)

Back of arms (triceps)

Stomach (abdomen)

Under armpit (serratus anterior)

How do I do it?

1. Begin in a plank position. Place your hands on the floor, shoulder-width apart. Your legs should be straight back and feet together. Arms are straight.

2. Tense your abdomen.

3. Lower your body towards the ground, bending at the elbows and keeping your back straight.

4. Keep lowering until your chest is about an inch from the floor.

5. Extend your elbows and push your body back up.

6. Repeat 5 or more times.

Chest Workout #5 Clap Push Up

11 Muscle-Building Chest Workouts Anyone Can Complete At Home

If you want to test yourself, try clapping mid-push-up. Make sure you are ready for this as you do not want to lose your balance and smash your face on the floor!

What do I need?

Just a bit of floor



Which muscles does it work?

Chest (pectorals)

Shoulders (deltoids)

Back of arms (triceps)

Stomach (abdomen)

Under armpit (serratus anterior)

How do I do it?

1. Begin in a plank position. Place your hands on the floor, shoulder-width apart. Your legs should be straight and feet together at the back. Arms are straight.

2. Tense your abdomen.

3. Lower your body towards the ground bending at the elbows and keeping back straight.

4. Keep lowering until your chest is about an inch from the floor.

5. Push your body up with enough force for your top half to leave the ground.

6. Clap your hands when you reach the top.

7. Return them shoulder-width apart.

8. Repeat 5 or more times.

Note: If you find the clap a bit tricky, try jumping your hands slightly off the ground as you reach the top.

Other Push-up Variations

11 Muscle-Building Chest Workouts Anyone Can Complete At Home

Wide push-up: the same as a standard push-up, but hands are placed wider than shoulder-width apart. Difficulty: medium

11 Muscle-Building Chest Workouts Anyone Can Complete At Home

Narrow push-up: the same as a standard push-up, but hands are closer together. Difficulty: medium

With Equipment: Dumbbells

11 Muscle-Building Chest Workouts Anyone Can Complete At Home

Beginner dumbbells: 1kg-5kg

If you are just starting your get fit at home journey.

Amateur dumbbells: 5kg-10kg

For those with basic knowledge and experience of working out.

Expert dumbbells: 10kg+

Hardcore home workout enthusiasts.

Chest Workout #6 Chest Press

11 Muscle-Building Chest Workouts Anyone Can Complete At Home

No time to go to the gym but want to work on your bench press? Try out the chest press with dumbbells.



What do I need?

Dumbbells, just a bit of floor, and maybe a mat for comfort.

Which muscles does it work?

Chest (pectorals)

Shoulders (deltoids)

Back of arms (triceps)

Under armpit (serratus anterior)

How do I do it?

1. Lie flat on your back either on the floor or on a bench. Place your feet flat on the ground with your knees bent.

2. With arms parallel to shoulders and elbows bent. Hold a dumbbell in each hand.

3. Extend your arms directly over your shoulders.

4. Tense your shoulders at the top.

5. Slowly bend elbows and lower the weights down to the starting position.

6. Repeat 10 times.

Note: You can also complete this exercise with a kettlebell in each hand instead of a dumbbell

Chest Workout #7 Overhead Dumbbell Press

11 Muscle-Building Chest Workouts Anyone Can Complete At Home

This workout is like the chest press, but you are standing up.



What do I need?

Dumbbells and just a bit of floor.

Which muscles does it work?

Chest (pectorals)

Shoulders (deltoids)

Back of arms (triceps)

Under armpit (serratus anterior)

How do I do it?

1. With a dumbbell in each hand, stand with feet shoulder-width apart.

2. Lift dumbbells to shoulder height and face your hands upwards or towards your body.

3. Push the dumbbells upwards above your head until your arms are fully extended.

4. Hold for 3 seconds.

5. Return your dumbbells to shoulder height.

6. Repeat 5 or more times.

Note: You can also complete this exercise with a kettlebell in each hand instead of a dumbbell

Chest Workout #8 Deltoid Raises

11 Muscle-Building Chest Workouts Anyone Can Complete At Home

Deltoids are the muscles around the shoulders. So, if you want to work your shoulders and chest, complete a few sets of deltoid raises.



What do I need?

Dumbbells and just a bit of floor.

Which muscles does it work?

Chest (pectorals)

Shoulders (deltoids)

Back of arms (triceps)

Under armpit (serratus anterior)

How do I do it?

1. With a dumbbell in each hand, stand with feet shoulder-width apart.

2. Hold the dumbbells at your side and face your hands towards your body.

3. Keeping your arms straight and your abs tense, slowly lift the weights so they are directly in front of you.

4. Slowly lower your arms, returning them to your side.

5. Repeat 5 or more times.

Chest Workout #9 One-arm Dumbbell Hand Snatch

11 Muscle-Building Chest Workouts Anyone Can Complete At Home

This exercise involves the whole body and can cause an intense muscle burn. Use 1kg the first time you try to get familiar, then move on to heavier weights.



What do I need?

Dumbbells and just a bit of floor.

Which muscles does it work?

Chest (pectorals)

Shoulders (deltoids)

Back of arms (triceps)

Under armpit (serratus anterior)

How do I do it?

1. Place a dumbbell on the floor and stand slightly behind with feet shoulder-width apart.

2. Grasp the dumbbell in front of you and keep your back flat and your chest up.

3. Push your hips back, your weight should be held on your knees.

4. Extend your hips and knees whilst raising the dumbbell above your head.

5. Straighten your body and tense your abs, holding the weight overhead.

6. Slowly lower back to starting position.

7. Repeat 5 or more times.

Chest Workout #10 Single-Arm Press

11 Muscle-Building Chest Workouts Anyone Can Complete At Home

The single-arm fly works your pectorals. Ensure you complete the same amount of reps on each side to create an even muscle build.



What do I need?

Dumbbells, a bit of floor, and a mat for comfort.

Which muscles does it work?

Chest (pectorals)

Shoulders (deltoids)

Back of arms (triceps)

Under armpit (serratus anterior)

How do I do it?

1. Lie down on your back, feet back.

2. Extend your arms out loosely holding the dumbbells, creating a T-position with your body.

3. Lift your left arm slowly, ensuring your core is tense to protect your back.

4. Slowly lower the dumbbell down.

5. Repeat with your right arm.

6. Complete 5 or more reps.

Chest Workout #11 Renegade Row Dumbbell Push-up

11 Muscle-Building Chest Workouts Anyone Can Complete At Home

This workout combines a push-up with a dumbbell lift for maximum chest and triceps burn.



What do I need?

Dumbbells and a section of floor

Which muscles does it work?

Chest (pectorals)

Shoulders (deltoids)

Back of arms (triceps)

Under armpit (serratus anterior)

How do I do it?

1. Begin in a push-up position whilst holding a dumbbell underneath each hand.

2. Push down towards the dumbbells, and push back up.

3. Whilst at the top, lift your left elbow up with the dumbbell in hand then slowly return to the floor.

4. Repeat on the right side.

Now you know the basic chest workout exercises, play around with different combinations to create a workout routine that works for you. Aim to complete these workouts at least twice a week to see some real difference in muscle build.