
Bump Inside Nose: Causes And Treatment For The Pimple Inside Your Nose

Bump Inside Nose: Causes And Treatment For The Pimple Inside Your Nose

If you have a bump inside your nose, you better hope it's nothing more than a minor annoyance. Otherwise, it could signal an infection or something much worse.

Nose bumps can be small, big, red, white, mild, and even serious. However, most bumps are quite harmless, but because some can cause serious infections, it's a good idea not to ignore a bump in your nose if you have it.

Why You Shouldn't Pop The Bump In Your Nose Just Yet

Bump Inside Nose: Causes And Treatment For The Pimple Inside Your Nose

When most people find out they have a bump inside their noses, they immediately try to pop them. After all, that's what we do when we get pimples in other parts of our bodies.

However, nose bumps can significantly increase your risk of getting an infection. If possible, you should allow the bump to heal without disruption.

If it gets too serious, you should have a doctor handle it.


Why Bumps Inside Nose Can Be So Dangerous

Bump Inside Nose: Causes And Treatment For The Pimple Inside Your Nose
bump inside nose: causes and treatment for the pimple inside your nose

If you are lucky, the bump inside your nose is just a harmless swelling that will go away in a few days. However, it could also be a sign of a serious health problem.

You might not know this, but some of the veins in your nose lead to the brain. When infected, you can suffer from cavernous sinus thrombosis.

The cavernous sinus is a large vein that causes blood to clot when someone is suffering from furuncles in the nose. Symptoms of this condition include headache, bulging eyes, uneven pupils, unusually high fever, double vision, and seeing difficulties.


Diagnosis For Bumps Inside The Nose

Bump Inside Nose: Causes And Treatment For The Pimple Inside Your Nose

When diagnosing what the bump in your nose might mean, your doctor will want to know what the pimple looked like when you first noticed it.

You will also have to explain how it has changed over time, other related symptoms you noticed, and whether it has produced any pus or blood.

Before a doctor can tell what exactly you are ailing from, a physical examination of the pimple will be necessary, and imaging using MRI or CT scans of the head might be necessary to see if you have a sinus infection.


To determine the kind of infection you have, the doctor will also need a sample of the fluid inside the bump, which helps determine what kind of medications you need to treat it.

Types & Causes Of Bumps Inside The Nose

Bump Inside Nose: Causes And Treatment For The Pimple Inside Your Nose

There are several reasons you might find yourself with a bump inside your nose. Therefore, knowing what caused the annoying pimple in your nose is the first step towards treating it.

Here are the different types and causes of bumps inside the nose.

1. Nasal Vestibulitis/Folliculitis

This name is derived from the phrase "nasal vestibule", which is the area inside your nostrils.


When suffering from this condition, you will have a red, inflamed bump at the nostril opening. The bumps can also be white in color, and a cluster of bumps may occur as opposed to a single bump.

Folliculitis is usually caused by a bacterial infection, staphylococcus. Picking your nose or blowing your nose too regularly can make this problem worse and cause serious complications such as boils inside the nose.


2. Nasal Polyps

These are more common in adults, and they are soft bumps often caused by asthma, immunity issues, and infections. They might also block your nostrils and make it hard for you to breathe, but they are usually not a big problem.

Nasal polyps tend to look like teardrops, and they are usually not painful, although they can result in pain in the face or head and cause a reduced sense of smell.


When polyps get too serious, surgery might be required to treat them.

3. Skin Cysts

A cyst is a small lump filled with fluid, fat, air, or some other material. However, cysts are not contagious and are usually painless unless they are infected.

The cyst should be left alone, but if infected, see a doctor.

4. Nasal Abscess

Basically, a skin abscess is a pocket filled with pus just beneath the skin, and it can appear inside the nose. This condition can be accompanied by fever, chills, and body aches.


This is not a problem that should be ignored as it can advance and spread, turning into a serious illness. Therefore, you should get a doctor to lance or drain it then clean it out.

Antibiotics might also be required, as well as proper care to prevent reoccurrence.

5. Blocked Pores

Bump Inside Nose: Causes And Treatment For The Pimple Inside Your Nose

Extra oil or dead skin cells can block the pores in your nose, and a pimple or bump can occur. These sort of bumps are the very same kind that appears on your face.

Low immunity and diabetes increase the risk of getting this kind of bump.

The pores might also get bacteria infection, which would result in redness, irritation, and inflammation, making the bump painful and tender.

Ultimately, the pimple can turn into nasal vestibulitis or a nasal furuncle.


6. Nasal Furuncles (Infected Boils)

These kinds of bumps are actually boils, which are more serious infections of the nose. Nasal furuncles is a serious problem since it can spread to other parts of the skin and even infect the bloodstream.

After spreading, the condition can cause dimpling, swelling, and inflammation.

Nasal furuncles tend to occur deep inside the nose, and they can evolve into cellulitis, a more serious condition that can enter the bloodstream.


7. Cellulitis

Cellulitis can be fatal if ignored, and it occurs when the infection causing the bump in your nose spreads to other parts of the body, such as the cheeks. The condition is caused by infections such as staph bacteria and streptococcus bacteria.

Victims of cellulitis can also experience fever, red spots, blisters and a skin that feels warm.


When unchecked, cellulitis can spread to the lymph nodes and the bloodstream. So, as soon as you suspect you have this condition, you should call your doctor immediately.

8. Ingrown Hairs

Ingrown hair can cause a bump inside your nose. Usually, these kinds of bumps happen after trying some hair removal methods such as waxing and shaving.


9. Pimples/Acne

Also called comedones or zits, pimples are skin eruptions filled with oil, bacteria, or dead skin cells. They happen due to blocked pores. Improving your diet and keeping the skin clean can help prevent pimples.

10. Nasal Cavity Cancer

A cancerous tumor could cause a bump inside the nose. This happens on rare occasions, and symptoms include headaches, bulging eyes, loss of vision, nose bleeding, and a loss of sense of smell.


Still, you should check with your doctor before deciding you have cancer.

How To Treat The Nose Bump

Bump Inside Nose: Causes And Treatment For The Pimple Inside Your Nose

The most appropriate treatment method for your nose bump depends on what caused it in the first place. If all you have is an acne pimple, then it can even go away on its own over time.

However, if the bump was caused by a bacterial infection, then antibiotics would be necessary. In such cases, you can use antibiotic ointments or medications.

Topical antiseptics can also offer some relief from the pain caused by the bump. In serious cases, you might even need to have the bump surgically drained or treated with IV antibiotics.


Home Remedies For Nose Bumps

Bump Inside Nose: Causes And Treatment For The Pimple Inside Your Nose
bump inside nose: causes and treatment for the pimple inside your nose

Unless a bump is serious enough to require a doctor's attention, you can deal with it at home. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to treat the bump inside your nose at home.

1. Painkillers

These medications won't exactly cure the bump, but they will ease the pain associated with it until it finally disappears.

2. A Warm Compress

You can apply a warm, wet compress to your nose to ease the pain and discomfort the bump causes. Doing these compresses about 15 to 20 minutes three times a day should go a long way in reducing the pain and discomfort the bump causes.


3. Essential Oils

Essential oils such as thyme, cinnamon, rosemary, neem oil, and tea tree oil with coconut or olive oil as a base can offer some relief from your nose bump.

4. Saltwater Therapy

Saltwater has antibacterial properties that might kill the infection. You should add a quarter of a teaspoon of salt into a cup with warm water and apply it with a clean cloth to the affected area.


Get Help Immediately If Your Nose Bump Comes With These Symptoms

Bump Inside Nose: Causes And Treatment For The Pimple Inside Your Nose
bump inside nose: causes and treatment for the pimple inside your nose

As noted above, some nose bumps are caused by life-threatening conditions. That is why you should get professional help immediately you see the following signs.

If you see double vision, get sudden confusion, suffer from painful and swollen rashes accompanied by fever, dizziness, or uneven pupils, then you need medical help as soon as possible.

Similarly, if the bump keeps growing or obstructs your breathing, have a doctor look at it.


How To Prevent Bumps From Appearing Inside Your Nose

Bump Inside Nose: Causes And Treatment For The Pimple Inside Your Nose
bump inside nose: causes and treatment for the pimple inside your nose

If you realize that bumps inside your nose are happening a little too regularly, then there are things you can do to prevent them. Some precautions you can follow include resisting the temptation to touch your nose with dirty hands.

Boosting your vitamin D intake might also help, and this can actually prevent acne in general. Avoiding stress is also a great idea since stress can worsen the condition and make it last longer.


A problem like nasal vestibulitis can be avoided by resisting the urge to blow your nose too often. Plucking nasal hair can also result in nasal vestibulitis as it can cause minor injuries that can result in infections.

Nose piercings have also been known to cause issues in your nose, as well as viral infections such as herpes and shingles. Allergies and other upper respiratory infections can also cause nose bumps.


A 2015 study also discovered that people who were getting targeted therapy treatment for particular types of cancers had a greater risk of suffering from nasal vestibulitis.

Final Words

In most cases, the irritating bump inside your nose cartilage is nothing to worry about. However, if you notice serious symptoms, you should see a doctor since that could be a sign that you have a serious health issue affecting you.
