
Boy's Face Swells Up Massively As He's Attacked By Swarm Of Bees After Constantly Poking Their Hive

Boy's Face Swells Up Massively As He's Attacked By Swarm Of Bees After Constantly Poking Their Hive

A boy's face got seriously swollen after being stung several times by bees poking their hive. The boy's name has not been released.

He was playing in the countryside in southwestern China when he came across the bee hive.

The boy got curious, and he started to poke the hive, and what happened next was quite expected under the circumstances.

He had not prodded the hive with a stick for long before he started to get stung by the bees.

After that, his face pretty much ballooned in size.

Boy's Face Swells Up Massively As He's Attacked By Swarm Of Bees After Constantly Poking Their Hive

In the footage, the right side of his face is clearly very swollen. The right eye and cheek, as well as the right side of his lips, also got swollen following the attack.

Luckily, the boy got treatment for the bee stings and is reportedly recovering well. According to his mother, he had gotten treatment and was nearly fully recovered.

Although he might be completely recovered, the boy will probably not forget the incident soon. We can bet that he will not be poking any bee hives.

Earlier in the week, Brian McFadden, former Westlife singer, shared a picture in which he showed off his swollen face after an encounter with bees.

In the video, he looked painfully swollen, and he wrote saying that he had been stung by a bee, which had given him an allergic reaction. He made light of the experience, saying he had gotten free Botox and fillers.

However, her fans were horrified by the picture, hoping he would recover from his injury soon. They also commended him for his great sense of humor.

Later, he shared several photos that showed a timeline of his changing face which he labeled "the timeline of the sting to reaction."

Eventually, he shared a photo in which his face was less swollen, saying that his face was "calming down again." He thanked everyone for their kind messages.