
'Bigger Than Ever' Strawberry Moon Will Appear In The Sky This Weekend

'Bigger Than Ever' Strawberry Moon Will Appear In The Sky This Weekend

The names of the full moons have changed over time according to various civilizations. They would be given names as a means of keeping track of time in some Native American communities.

According to the Royal Museums Greenwich, there are typically 12 or 13 full moons each year, despite the fact that moon names might vary throughout tribes.

Each of the titles, which vary from "worm moon" to "beaver moon," has a distinct meaning.


And one of the most eagerly awaited moons, the strawberry moon, occurs in June.

'Bigger Than Ever' Strawberry Moon Will Appear In The Sky This Weekend
'Bigger Than Ever' Strawberry Moon Will Appear In The Sky This Weekend

Here is all the information you want about it, including how to recognize it and why this year's is so unique:

A Strawberry Moon: What Is It?

There is no connection between the strawberry moon's look and its name's origin. However, according to other rumors, it could have an orange-red color.

According to the Old Farmers Almanac, which started listing full moon names in the 1930s, certain Native American tribes gave the full moon the name "strawberry moon" in reference to the brief strawberry harvest season.


Since honey is typically collected around the end of June, another traditional European word for this event is the "honey moon," according to NASA.

A lot of babies are born around this time of year, therefore tribes in the Pacific Northwest refer to it as a "baby moon," "laying moon," or "hatching moon." Other names for it include Blooming Moon, Green Corn Moon, and Hoer Moon.

'Bigger Than Ever' Strawberry Moon Will Appear In The Sky This Weekend
'Bigger Than Ever' Strawberry Moon Will Appear In The Sky This Weekend

Why Is The Strawberry Moon This Year Unique?

This year, the summer solstice, which is also the day the moon is at its lowest point of the year and the sun is at its highest point, will fall on the full moon.

The moon will be at its lowest point in years, according to Old Farmers Almanac, and because of this, it will look larger than before. We refer to it as the "Moon Illusion."


When Is The Strawberry Moon This Year?

The strawberry moon for this year will be seen on June 21 at 9:08 p.m. EDT, according to NASA. According to the space agency, it will seem full for around three days.

The moon will be visible at different times depending on your time zone; you may use and the Moonrise and Moonset calculator to get the local hours.

'Bigger Than Ever' Strawberry Moon Will Appear In The Sky This Weekend
'Bigger Than Ever' Strawberry Moon Will Appear In The Sky This Weekend

How To Recognize A Strawberry Moon In Full

Go somewhere high up that faces east, or to a shore that faces east, for the finest view. You will be able to see the horizon clearly as a result.

Your unaided eyes will see quite fine, but using binoculars will allow you to get a closer look at this amazing spectacle.