Products Review

Are Rose Succulents Real?

Are Rose Succulents Real?

Yes, they are! Oftentimes when we think of succulent plants, cacti come to mind. But, not all succulents are cacti. Amazingly, there are Rose succulents and a couple of other interesting succulents that will keep you wondering if they are really real.

What are succulents?

Succulents are plants that are capable of retaining water as a result of their thickened, engorged, and fleshy parts. They are often grown as ornamental plants because they are strikingly beautiful and can thrive on minimal care.


If you have little or no time to tend to your home plants or just do not have the green thumb, succulents are a fine choice of plants for you. You don't have to water them regularly. All you need is the right container, a specialty soil, and a sunny spot.

The Rose Succulent

The rose succulent known as Greenovia Dodrentalis is a beautiful succulent in the shape of roses. They sort of look like butter icing on a cake but of course, you can't eat them. Its green petals give off a healthy and vibrant vibe.


This plant's thick and fleshy stems and leaves allows it to retain water for long periods. Also, mist and light dew can serve as a sufficient source of water for them.

Where should you place them?

Place them anywhere they can get plenty of sunlight. Most succulents need about six hours of sunlight each day.

What if you don't have enough sunny spots for your rose succulents? Well, you can settle for others like the mother-in-law tongue. It has beautiful big leaves and an uncommon shape. Under low light, it will thrive.


The right soil and pot

If your succulent comes with too much soil and moisture, make sure to re-pot it as soon as possible. A coarse potting mix with good drainage qualities is ideal. Most nurseries sell such soil for succulents.

The pot you choose should be about two times larger than the pot the plant came in so that it has space to grow. Any pot that allows water to accumulate at the bottom is a bad choice as it can lead to root rot.



Fill one-third of your planter with pre-moistened potting soil. Then, carefully position your plant in it. Be careful not to damage its fragile roots. Finally, fill up with additional pre-moistened potting mix.

Do not water regularly. When you do water, do so evenly. Do not re-water until the previous one has dried out.

You can add a suitable fertilizer during spring or late summer. Follow the producer's instructions closely. Do not add fertilizer in winter because your succulents are not actively growing during this period. Whatever nutrient boost you add at this time will be a waste.


Do not use sand to plant your succulent because sandy soil will accumulate moisture over time and could damage your plant.

If you start your succulent as a seedling, note that it will grow slowly, taking about 6 months to 1 year to reach it's full size.

If the leaves at the bottom of your plant shrivel and drop, it's normal. But, if it does this at the top, there is an underlying issue that should be treated.


If rose succulents are not your style, how about dolphin succulents or bunny succulents? They are real too.

You will be wowed by these wonders of creation. They beautify your home and do not stress you in any way.