
A Woman's Theory About The Possibility Of Life After Death Is Causing A Stir And Unsettling Many

A Woman's Theory About The Possibility Of Life After Death Is Causing A Stir And Unsettling Many

People are freaking out after a woman on TikTok shared a mind-boggling theory about death, suggesting that we never truly cease to exist.

The question of what occurs after death remains one of life's most profound and unanswered inquiries.

Various individuals hold their own beliefs regarding the aftermath of death, ranging from ascending to heaven to undergoing reincarnation as another being.


However, one individual's intriguing theory has sparked a significant online discussion.

@joli.artist, also known as Joli Moli on the platform, has managed to unsettle many individuals by asserting that death does not signify the end of our existence.

Instead, her belief suggests that our consciousness is, in fact, transported to an alternate reality.

In her widely viewed post, which has amassed 7.4 million views, Moli introduces her audience to the intriguing concepts of the "quantum immortality theory" and "Hugh Everett's many worlds interpretation."


Moli's post, which has garnered 7.4 million views, serves as an introduction for her viewers to two fascinating concepts: the "quantum immortality theory" and "Hugh Everett's many worlds interpretation."

She explains: "Quantum immortality theory suggests that nobody ever actually dies. That consciousness never experiences death."

"Instead, whenever you die in one universe, your consciousness is transferred to a parallel universe where you survived."


According to Moli, she suggests that in this alternate reality, individuals will remain unaware of the transition, with only subtle indications in the form of "Mandela effects" serving as potential clues.

This term, as explained by Verywell Mind, refers to a phenomenon where a significant number of individuals hold a collective belief in the occurrence of an event that, in reality, never took place.


The term "Mandela effect" was coined by Fiona Broome in 2009, inspired by her own belief, shared by many others, that Nelson Mandela had died in the 1980s (while he actually passed away in 2013).

Moli explains in the TikTok video: "You're going to find yourself on Reddit talking about 'since when did Pizza Hut have two Ts?!"

To really get to the point, she says: "What I'm saying is that Earth is probably always being taken out, and our consciousness just keeps transferred to another parallel universe – and then another one, and another one."


Commenters have flocked to the post's comments section to engage in discussions about Moli's theory.

One person questions: "OK but what about when you die of old age? Do we shift into a parallel universe as a newborn or continue to be old?"

Another viewer comments: "I've literally had this thought for years and never knew it was an actual theory!! This is so interesting."

"The thought of never being able to actually die is extremely depressing and giving me a headache," replies someone else.


Another viewer counters Moli's viewpoint by asserting: "But why haven't our consciousness evolved collectively to be able to remember the past lives?"

In a heartwarming comment, another person shares: "I love the idea that my brother is in a parallel universe somewhere."