
A Bruised Cervix Is A Real Thing—Here's How It Happens

A Bruised Cervix Is A Real Thing—Here's How It Happens

If you're feeling discomfort after reading the title of this article and crossing your legs, rest assured that you're not alone. The thought of experiencing cervical bruising can be quite excruciating, but the good news is that it can be prevented. In this article, you'll learn 12 crucial facts about cervical bruising, including how to treat it and how to avoid it altogether.

How Does A Cervix Get Bruised?

In most cases, the cervix can get bruised during sexual activity, particularly when a partner's penis is too large, causing discomfort instead of pleasure. Additionally, intense penetration with an object or fist can also result in cervical injury. As the cervix serves as the passageway between the vaginal canal and the uterus, it is relatively vulnerable to harm.


Cervical bruising can be caused by specific sexual positions, with doggy style being the primary position associated with this injury.

What Are The Symptoms Of A Bruised Cervix?

The indications of a bruised cervix can differ, but the most frequent symptoms include:

- Cramping during sex

- The sensation that a partner or object is colliding with a barrier during sex


- Tenderness in the abdominal region lasting up to a week between 12 and 48 hours after sex

- Spotting or bleeding (which may indicate cervical bruising if it occurs outside your menstrual cycle)

- Post-sex pain resembling severe menstrual cramps, accompanied by stabbing pains, nausea, vomiting, and sweating.

Does It Need Treatment From A Doctor?

Generally, a bruised cervix does not necessitate medical intervention, and symptoms can be alleviated at home by refraining from sex until the cervix heals and taking over-the-counter pain relievers. Comparable to a typical bruise, cervical bruising usually disappears on its own without a specific timeframe for healing. You can resume sexual activity once you no longer experience symptoms.


In the event that you experience alarming symptoms like excessive blood loss or debilitating pain that disrupts your daily activities, it's recommended to schedule an appointment with your doctor. A comprehensive examination can be conducted by your doctor to ensure that everything is alright.

How To Avoid Cervical Bruising

A Bruised Cervix Is A Real Thing—Here's How It Happens

1. Make Sure You're Properly Stimulated Before Sex

It's essential to be highly aroused before engaging in sexual activity to prevent cervical bruising. Furthermore, becoming aroused can enhance your overall sexual experience and is well worth the effort. Engage in foreplay and ensure it lasts for at least 20 minutes to become appropriately lubricated.

2. Switch Up Your Positions

Cervical bruising isn't always a result of having a large penis. Other factors, such as an uncomfortable sexual position, can also lead to this injury. Occasionally, you may feel a pinching or poking sensation during sex if the angle is incorrect. If you experience pain during sex, try adjusting your position or engaging in additional foreplay to ensure proper lubrication before continuing.


3. Use Smaller Toys

Although you can't alter your partner's penis size, you have control over the size of sex toys you use. If you engage in sexual activity with dildos or other objects, choose a smaller size to avoid causing undue trauma to your cervix and vagina.

4. Sync Sex With Your Cycle

While being adequately aroused is beneficial, it's particularly critical at the start and end of your menstrual cycle. Keeping track of your period can help you take better care of your cervix during sexual activity. During these times of the month, when your cervix is at its firmest and lowest, it's essential to avoid causing harm. Additionally, experimenting with various sexual positions, such as being on top, can offer more control during sex.


5. Spot The Early Warning Signs

Although you may feel adequately lubricated before sex, experiencing a sudden sharp pain during sexual activity is an indication that your cervix is getting bruised. If you encounter this discomfort, refrain from continuing with the same sex act. Thrusting into the cervix can be exceedingly painful and result in bruising or tears in your cervical tissue. Therefore, when you experience the first pinch or stabbing pain, it's essential to stop immediately.


7. Keep It Sober

It's crucial to avoid having sex when you're under the influence of alcohol or drugs. These substances can numb your pain receptors, making it more challenging to detect any discomfort during sexual activity, and thus making it easier for cervical bruising to occur. Avoiding alcohol or drugs can benefit your cervix, so it's best to skip the booze.


A Few Other Things To Keep In Mind

1. Your Cervix Moves

Yes, it's true - your cervix is not stationary but moves around. If you're not on birth control, the position of your cervix changes throughout your menstrual cycle. During ovulation, for example, the cervix moves higher up into the vaginal canal and becomes softer. Conversely, before and after your period, the cervix becomes harder and moves lower down the vaginal canal.


2. Your Vagina Also Changes

When aroused, the vagina can expand by up to 200%! Not only that, but the cervix also changes. It becomes softer and moves higher up, which decreases the likelihood of it getting injured or bruised during sex.

3. You Might Have A Condition

Cervical ectropion is a condition that can lead to cervical bruising during sex. It occurs when glandular cells that are typically found inside the cervix are located on the outside, which can make sex feel more painful. This condition can be caused by being on the pill, pregnancy, or changes in estrogen hormone levels. Fortunately, for most women, cervical ectropion resolves on its own.
