
20 Creative Applications Of Binder Clips

20 Creative Applications Of Binder Clips

We simply rely on binder clips to keep our papers and important documents secure and organized. However, it would astonish our readers to discover the multitude of uses for these clips. By not exploring their potential for various purposes, one would be depriving themselves of numerous benefits.

Presenting 20 clever and innovative applications for binder clips! How many ways have you personally employed these versatile tools?

1. Clip For Toothpaste

This happens to be one of the most popular applications of a clip. All you have to do is attach the clip to the end of a rolled-up toothpaste tube and gently push the product toward the cap. It's a straightforward solution, isn't it?

2. Holding Tea Bags

Many of us are guilty of dipping our tea bags and subsequently forgetting about them, causing inconvenience when it's time to drink. Surprisingly, there's a clever solution to enjoy your tea without the tea bag floating around: just secure it to the side of your cup using a clip.

3. Clips For Chips

A common scenario occurs when we open a bag of chips but don't consume the entire contents. Instead, we may need to store them for later. In such cases, a binder clip proves to be an excellent solution. Just fasten it onto the rolled-up packet of chips, and you can carry on with your day, assured that they'll stay fresh.

4. Maximizing Freezer Space

To maximize storage capacity in your freezer, consider utilizing binder clips as a handy tool. By employing them to hang bags of frozen food from the wire shelf, you can create additional space and keep your freezer organized.

5. Money Clip

Instead of allowing loose cash to roam freely, a cost-effective alternative to a traditional money clip is to utilize a binder clip. It serves the purpose just as well and keeps your cash securely fastened together.

6. Securing Tablecloths

To prevent your tablecloth from being whisked away by the wind and ensure it stays securely in place on the table, a simple solution is to employ a binder clip.

7. Key Chain

If you find yourself too lazy to purchase a keychain, a practical alternative is to gather all your keys and fasten them to the handle of a binder clip. This way, you can conveniently keep them together in one location.

8. Taming Unruly Wires

By utilizing a binder clip, you have the ability to neatly gather and secure the disorganized and tangled wires within a setup. This ensures their preservation, preventing any accidental tearing or damage.

9. Display Memorabilia

When lacking a photo stand or screws to fasten your cherished memorabilia, a practical alternative is to employ a binder clip. It serves as a reliable solution for securely keeping your items in place.

10. Magnet Into A Magnet Clip

By attaching a clip to a fridge magnet, you can transform the clip's metal pin into a magnet itself. This clever combination allows the clip to serve both as a magnet and a binder, providing versatile functionality.

11. Picture Frame

To avoid the potential damage caused by screws, consider using clips instead to secure your favorite paintings. This alternative method ensures the artwork remains intact and unharmed.

12. Use It As A Paperweight

Picture yourself cooking and referring to a recipe, only to have the page constantly fluttering in the wind. Fear not! Simply utilize a clip to keep the page open and steady, allowing you to follow the instructions effortlessly.

13. Securing Bike Gear

When embarking on a long journey and in need of a reliable way to secure your wires and other equipment, look no further than a trusty clip. It provides a convenient solution for keeping your gear organized and protected throughout the ride.

14. Binder Clips To Store Canopies

Setting up a tent while hiking can be an exhausting task, but what's even more frustrating is when it gets carried away by the wind. Fear not! By utilizing a clip, you can securely fasten your tent to the ground, ensuring it stays firmly in place throughout your outdoor adventure.

15. Clipping Shower Curtains

To prevent your shower curtain from getting wet while you're taking a shower, there's a simple solution.

16. Plastic Clips Out, Binder Clips In

Consider replacing your plastic clips with binder clips for a more versatile alternative.

17. Using A Binder Clip To Protect A Papre Roll

Avoid the hassle of an unraveled wrapping paper roll in storage by adding a clip to its end. This simple step will keep the roll securely in place and prevent any messy mishaps.

18. Binder Clips For Cooking

For a makeshift candy thermometer, affix a clip to the edge of a pot and submerge a cooking thermometer into the clip. This clever setup will help you monitor the temperature accurately while preparing candy.

19. Binding Clips To Hang Gloves

To keep your dish gloves organized and easily accessible, simply clip them together and hang them on a hook. This convenient method ensures that your gloves stay together and are ready for use whenever you need them.

20. Pen Holder

To prevent the risk of misplacing your pen, consider clipping it to the edge of your journal. This clever technique ensures that your pen stays securely in place, ready for use whenever you need it, and reduces the chances of it going missing.

How many different applications of a binder clip do you know of?