
15+ Birthday Texts For Your Ex-Boyfriend

15+ Birthday Texts For Your Ex-Boyfriend

Once a year, your former partner's birthday comes around and if you two are still connected on social media, you will likely see an abundance of birthday greetings directed towards them in your feeds.

It is possible that you might feel overwhelmed with memories of past birthday celebrations you shared together. The intensity of these memories can depend on the duration of your relationship and the proximity of your breakup, with recent breakups being more challenging to distance yourself from.

Sending a text message to your former partner on their birthday may not always be the best idea, however, it can be difficult to resist the urge to do so. To help ensure that you do not end up feeling remorseful, we have put together a list of appropriate birthday messages for your ex-boyfriend.


In numerous past discussions, we have examined the pros and cons of texting your former partner. For the purpose of thoroughness, we will briefly revisit the question of whether it is advisable to send another text message to them.

Before hitting the send button, it's crucial to consider if reaching out to your ex-boyfriend on their birthday is the right thing to do. The first step is to ask yourself this question.

Initially, it is advisable to refrain from texting your ex-boyfriend on his birthday. If your breakup was recent, unpleasant, or he has moved on with someone else, sending a message will only bring up unwanted thoughts and emotions on a day that should be a happy one for him. There is no benefit in causing discomfort for both of you.

However, there may be situations where texting your ex is acceptable. For example, if you two are still close friends and communicate regularly, then sending a birthday message is appropriate. Additionally, if both of you still have feelings for each other and are considering rekindling the relationship, this would also be a suitable reason to text.

Determining what to text an ex can be challenging. Seeking resources to help you can be a natural step. If you need more in-depth guidance, consider the Text Chemistry Course by relationship coach Amy North. It offers a wide range of texts that you can use in various situations with your ex-boyfriend.


To make it easier for you to choose, we have categorized the over 15 birthday messages we have created into different categories. You can select the texts that resonate with you and your current situation.

The categories include:

Casual birthday messages

Friendly birthday greetings

Romantic birthday greetings

Casual Birthday Texts for When You're Not Close

These casual birthday messages are ideal for when your relationship with your ex-boyfriend is neutral. These texts are meant to be simple and inoffensive, and should be used when you are not in a particularly good or bad place in your relationship.

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday, his name. May this day bring you lots of joy and happiness.

Happy Birthday! 😊🎂

Sending birthday wishes your way! Hope you're doing great on your special day.

Just send a basic birthday-themed GIF or image.

Friendly Birthday Texts to Send When You're On Good Terms

Are you and your ex-boyfriend still on friendly terms? Do you have a healthy, positive relationship where you can talk and spend time together without any negative emotions?

If you can answer yes to both questions, these messages are suitable for you. They express a friendly tone without being overly flirtatious.

Hey there, Happy Birthday! Do you have any exciting plans for today?

Sending my best wishes on your special day. Have a wonderful birthday!

Wishing you a celebration filled with all your favorite things on your birthday. Did you go to your preferred restaurant/bar/coffee shop today?

Just dropping a quick birthday wish! Did you receive any cool gifts?

Sending a birthday meme that I think will bring a smile to your face! Enjoy your day.

Romantic Birthday Texts to Send to Pique His Interest

If you're still holding on to romantic feelings for your ex and believe that he may still have feelings for you as well, then you may want to consider sending text messages that tap into those emotions. These messages are meant to evoke a positive and romantic response, and potentially rekindle the flame between the two of you.

If you're looking to rekindle the romance with your ex and have a positive relationship, consider using the following texts to express your feelings:

Wishing you a very happy birthday, his name. I was thinking of us catching up soon over drinks. Would you be interested?

Wishing you a happy birthday, his name. I can't help but think of you today and it's making me miss you. If it were my birthday, I know what I would wish for.

Happy birthday, his name. I would love to be a part of your birthday celebration if you'll have me.

We do not recommend sending inappropriate or suggestive content as it could be offensive or make the recipient uncomfortable. It is important to maintain respectful and appropriate communication, especially with a former romantic partner.

Would you like to play a game together online to celebrate your birthday?

Wishing you a happy birthday! Do you have any special requests I can fulfill for you on your special day?

Happy birthday! Care to share a slice of cake with me to celebrate?