
13 Signs Of A Manipulative Woman — Is This You?

13 Signs Of A Manipulative Woman — Is This You?

Your partner could accuse you of being manipulative even if you don't realize it, as manipulation is primarily about power. Attempting to dominate your partner to fulfill your desires and meet your needs can be toxic and detrimental to your relationship. If you display any of these 13 signs, you may be a manipulative woman.

1. You play the blame game

Do you tend to point fingers at others, such as your co-worker, best friend, or boyfriend, when things go wrong in your life? If you constantly blame your boyfriend for your mistakes, you are evading accountability and attempting to vilify him, which is a significant indication of being a manipulative woman.

2. You're a waterworks queen

Do you shed tears when having a heated argument with your boyfriend as a tactic to gain his sympathy? While it may appear as though you're seeking compassion, it can actually come across as manipulative, particularly if he can see through your act. If this is a recurring behavior, it may be a significant indication of being a manipulative woman.

3. You're affectionate when it suits you

An individual who is manipulative could use affection as a tool to achieve their objectives from their partner, only to withdraw it when it no longer serves their purpose. It's inappropriate to play with someone's emotions in such a manner.

4. You compare him to other men

Do you use guilt as a tactic to persuade your boyfriend to fulfill your requests, such as attending your friend's birthday party despite his work commitments, by unfavorably comparing him to another man? For instance, you might say, "My ex would never have left me to attend a social function alone." This behavior can be problematic and harmful to your relationship.

5. You play the victim card

A woman who exhibits such behaviors is likely to be manipulative. Behaviors such as sulking and appearing fragile to elicit sympathy or playing the victim when things don't go your way can be red flags for your boyfriend that you are a manipulator. If he observes these traits in other areas of your life, he may become aware of your manipulative tendencies.

6. You never apologize

Apologizing can be challenging, but failing to take responsibility for your actions and instead expecting your boyfriend to apologize to you can be a form of manipulation. By doing so, you are attempting to control him and make him feel guilty for things he has not done, which can be detrimental to your relationship. This behavior may lead him to offer insincere apologies just to appease you.

More Signs You Might Be A Manipulative Woman

1. You prioritize your drama over his

Do you dismiss your boyfriend's bad day by telling him to "man up"? Or, do you believe that your stressful days are more significant than his? Such actions can make him feel undervalued, and no quality man will tolerate this treatment.

2. You hold his mistakes over his head

One of the most significant indications of a manipulative woman is when she holds onto her partner's mistakes and uses them as ammunition in the future. This behavior is highly toxic and indicates a lack of interest in moving forward in the relationship while also demonstrating vindictiveness. If your partner has learned from their mistakes, it is unfair to continuously throw them back in their face.

3. You punish him

If your boyfriend does something that angers you, you may believe that you need to make him prove his love by making him crawl through the mud. As a result, you may punish him by giving him the silent treatment or disappearing, forcing him to send numerous texts to get a response. This behavior is another clear indication that you are a manipulative woman.

4. You make him walk on eggshells

A common trait of manipulative individuals is their erratic emotional behavior. They may appear angry with their partner one minute and super charming the next. This is a calculated tactic to keep their partner on their toes and create an unpredictable environment. However, this behavior can mess with their partner's head and make them question the manipulator's stability and seriousness about the relationship.

5. You make overly dramatic statements

Manipulators often make dramatic statements to manipulate their partners. For example, during an argument, you might yell, "You're the only one who understands me!" to make him feel guilty or say, "I'd take a bullet for you!" to show your love. These over-the-top statements are a classic sign of love bombing and manipulation.

6. You bring him down when he's up

Manipulators often feel the need to control the relationship to deal with their insecurities. They may want to keep their partner under their thumb and get their attention even on days when the partner is feeling happy and excited. For instance, they may initiate a serious talk on one of their partner's happiest days just to bring their mood down.

7. You make him feel like he never does enough

You're constantly trying to outdo your boyfriend, making him feel like he can never make you happy. Have you considered that you're using manipulation to make him prove his love, just so you can feel worthy of it? It's important to reflect on why you're behaving this way before you ruin your relationship and lose a great guy you're fortunate to have.