
10 Questions To Ask A Guy To Figure Out His Intentions

10 Questions To Ask A Guy To Figure Out His Intentions

It is common to wonder about your partner's intentions in a relationship and to be hesitant to ask them directly. However, by asking the following questions, you can gain insight into their feelings and plans for the future. Knowing if you are on the same page can help determine if the relationship should continue or if it may be best to end it.

1. How do you feel things are going with us?

A useful method to determine if your partner has long-term plans for the relationship is to ask them about their current feelings towards it. If they are hesitant or unable to provide a clear answer, it may indicate that they do not envision the relationship lasting. On the other hand, if they give a confident response, it is a positive indication that they see a future with you in it.


2. What do you like most about our relationship?

Another approach to understanding your partner's feelings about the relationship without asking them directly is to ask a question that can reveal their perspective. Depending on the answer, it can indicate whether they see the relationship as long-term or not. If they talk about your positive attributes or how you make them feel, it is a positive sign. However, if they give a casual response, such as that you are an enjoyable person to spend time with, it can be more difficult to determine if they envision a long-term future together.


3. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years?

Asking your partner about their long-term plans and goals, such as in 5 or 10 years, can help you gauge if they see a long-term future in the relationship. If they focus on career or individual pursuits, it may indicate they are not ready for a long-term commitment. However, if they mention marriage and starting a family, it suggests they are seeking a long-term partner.


4. Do you feel you're on track to reaching your goals?

Asking your partner if they are ready to settle down is a crucial question that can reveal what stage they are at in life. If they are honest and admit they are not ready, it suggests they may not be prepared for a long-term commitment. Similarly, if they are planning on major changes such as going to law school or switching careers, it may indicate that they are not currently seeking a life partner. However, if they express readiness and seem confident in their current life trajectory, it is a positive sign that they are looking for a long-lasting relationship.


5. Are you happy with your current life?

Asking your partner if they are satisfied with their life can indicate if they are ready for a long-term commitment. If they answer "yes" confidently and are in the early stages of the relationship, it's a good sign they are head over heels for you. However, if they admit they are not satisfied with their life, it may suggest they are more focused on personal goals rather than a relationship and should be approached with caution.


6. Are your friends starting to settle down?

If his friend group is starting to settle down, it may be on his mind as well. Pay attention to how he talks about his friends' relationship statuses. If he is dismissive of those who got engaged or married young, it's unlikely he wants the same for himself in the near future. However, if he is excited for his friends and talks about all of you hanging out together, he may be hoping to follow in their footsteps.


7. What's your biggest priority in life?

This is a broad question that will not make it seem like you're questioning his intentions. However, his response will provide insight. If he mentions a desire for adventure, exploring, or living in the moment, it's unlikely he is seeking commitment. On the other hand, if he mentions wanting to settle down, start a family, and have a stable career, it will be evident that he is looking for a commitment.


8. What are your opinions on marriage? Kids?

Even if you ask him about his priorities, he may not think you're hinting at starting a family. However, asking him directly about his thoughts on kids and marriage will give you a clear answer. If he has difficulty answering or indicates that these things are not currently on his mind, he is likely not ready for commitment. But if he can confidently express his desire for a family and marriage, especially if he wants it with you, he is likely in the relationship for the long term.


9. Are you looking for commitment or something short-term?

This is a reasonable question to ask after spending some time together in a relationship. However, it's important not to bring it up too soon, as it may give the impression of pressuring him to commit. Be prepared to provide your own answer as well, as he may ask you in return. If your answers do not align, it may indicate that the relationship is not meant to last.


10. Do you see a future with me?

Asking this question directly will prompt an honest answer about his intentions in the relationship. However, be prepared for any answer he gives, as it may not be what you want to hear. It's better to have a clear understanding of where things stand before the relationship progresses further. As with any conversation about intentions, be prepared for him to ask for your thoughts on the matter as well.
